Bad days are the worst. After a bad day I am just like f*** you everybody!
I do small things to keep the smell 'controlled'. I have a v.small enema in the morning which makes me feel clean. I juice a lot as well. Plenty of greens, cucumber ,apples,
Celery avocados. It is all v. cleansing.
My diet is not strict unless I am on a juice fast. I eat dairy. meat,fish, bread all of which make the smell worse but the I find not eating these foods too isolating (just as isolating as the smell, in a way)so I have to sometimes.
I also try to sweat it out with exercise for one hour a day.
I also practice 16/8 intermittent fasting. So i eat from 11.30 to 7.30pm and that allows lots of time for my body to heal.
Drink 500ml of water?cup of herbal tea every hour
If I'm going on I night out I have another v. small enema before that and hope for the best. And usually its fine.
I do regular juice fast 3-4 days every month.
This is what works for me and its all relatively inexpensive. It obviously still an ongoing progress. Hope this gives you some ideas!