I got DNA sets for two mostly spread Lyme spirochetes in Europe: B.Afzelii and B.Garinii. I ran Afzelli first but didn't notice anything really, but yesterday I ran Garinii and got strong hits mostly in the head and chest. So, will continue running them regularly. Felt a lot better today actually. For instance, could feel ease of movement in my overall body during a laid-back sprint session on a track. Quite happy about this.
Ran the DNAs today again in the morning before the session and kept running them on the bean while I was out and about the whole day. Felt it in the morning, but not as strongly as yesterday.
So I wanted to ask you guys, experienced in Lyme. If you find out you have B.garinii, then what other types you might have, apart from B.afzelii or you just go with the ones seen in Europe, like I did? Would you still check Burgdorferi as well?
Any advice on what also comes along especially with B.garinii? Is Bartonella always present too, for instance?
For those who might be interested, I'm using this heading:
program a backfreq b 0 0
backfreq c 28004531.1544 43.333 # added carrier
pulse 778778 66.6 # Pick Heavy Metal Modulator (Hg=784784 Pb=779779 both=778778)
duty 86.4
dwell 300