There is nothing new in this video. All of this is gospel to those of us that are on the Paleo Diet.
Paleo diet defined:
Say NO WAY to the following products:
* Breads, grains, wheat, oatmeal
* Artificial oils
* All sugars
* Any products loaded with chemicals (read the labels)
* High Fructose Corn Syrup
* Anything with hydrogenated oils
Say YES to the following
* Natural meats, fish, fats
* Veggies, greens, fruits
* Nuts
* Natural greases & oils such as bacon fats, olive oil
* In general all foods that were eaten by our hunter-gatherer ancestors.
There are many books on the Paleo Diet, and many paleo recipes on the internet.
PS) Marks Daily Apple is an excellent Paleo Site:
Dr. Davis has a great site (and book) warning about the severe health risks of wheat & grains, sugars & artificial oils: