You know Rainy your a true CHRISTian, and a friend forever.
I stumbled, now I'm humbled, but your words ring true with me for I was going down that road you spoke of but you have reminded me where I'm at, that place is with Our Lord Jesus Christ:)
How could have I not realised that at the time when I lost my way.
I never passed the test but I have learned an important lesson. So I must thank you from the bottom of my heart for putting me back where I used to be, that is with Jesus, the man who come to this Earth to make peace and was nailed to a cross and sent back to whence He came from.
Sinners are we but many of us are humbly seeking repentance for our sins, not what we have done to each other but what was done to Him. How could I and others here ever forget that He is our Saviour.
I too must beg forgiveness from God and all of you for I allowed my foolish pride over-ride my faith in Jesus and your love of the Father.
I found Jesus when I was aged seven, He was hanging from a cross outside of a church. I remember looking into His eyes and found that they were so loving and at the time, just after the War was over I needed comforting and I found it with Him. He has been with me since.
I must sort this "New Age" confusion out.
When seeking a way to become a Christian I found many false prophets on the way, that was one of many. If you look at the post that I sent you'll find it was written eighteen months ago. I only used it here because at the time I felt that anything goes so I'll pop that one in.
Well no surprise to me it was eliminated:)
It was only in response to what was happening at the time.
I now hope that the dust has settled here leaving me a little wiser.
I also hope that Doc will be re-instated for she were no worse than the rest of us when tested, "not rainy" indeed, lol.
Last but not least I thank our Mod for putting up with our behaviour and breaking up the furore that existed here, God Bless You Mod and all my friends on this wonderful Forum, everyone, no exception. Thankyou.