In my limited study of Iridology, with a pretty good practitioner of that medical modality, my teacher said that any condition of the body seen from without (such as varicose veins) was a reflection of a condition in the bowels. Excema, pimples, red skin, hair loss, greying etc etc. This is a man who studied with Maxine Gerson, Ann Wigmore and Bernard Jensen, to name few.
He said anyone with visible veins on the legs was constipated. His definition of constipation was any irregularity in the colon that prevented it from functioning as a reflex organ to the corresponding part of the body that it supplied energy too.
Since the veins are bulging and have lost their tone then the colon is bulging and lost its tone. An inadeqautely functioning colon will not harbor friendly bacteria in the correct proportions nor will it eliminate toxins efficiently nor will it absorb the necessary nutritional support.
The seriousness of your condition would indicate a toxic overload, impaired colon functionality, and insufficient nutient uptake. When people say they are eating a healthy diet that is usually not good enough because it isn't just what you eat that counts. It's what you assimilate that counts too.
I would start to ingest charcoal, clay and zeolite (another form of clay). I would take green smoothies made by a Vitamix. I would take colosan or oxypowder and colon formula with cascara sagrada and triphala. I would eat salt and molasses to hydrate and remineralize the body in a colloidal form.
The fact that you are unable to ingest healthy raw foods is a measure of high toxicity. When the blood is dirty it cannot uptake nutrients nor distribute them for healing. My first approach would be to slowly and methodically detoxify the blood by clearing the colon using a cascara sagrada based formula that has triphala. I would take enough to induce 3-4 bms per day. You will need to hyrdrate at the same time. The salt will help the body to hold more fluids and provide electrolytes and much needed colloidal bioavailible minerals. I would alternatively take either clay (dissolved in a glass of water) or charcoal, or zeolite every morning usually first thing. I also do other things too but you will not be able to be too aggressive at first.
So my approach, which I realize is not for everyone (maybe it only works for me!) (smile) is to detoxify in a gentle way since your sensitivity suggests a high load of toxicity. Also remineralize in colloidal form. The salt should not be a problem but only do the molasses if it causes no reactions. Hopefully the green smoothies are not a problem. Also you should be taking iodine either in the form of Lugols (making sure you are iodine tolerant) or in the form of Kelp or dulse. Candida would put a strain on iodine levels and women need far more iodine than men (mostly utilized in the breast tissue).
This is just a starting point. I could go on but maybe one or two things will ring true for you.