I'm new here but just wanted to say that I've heard of it but I haven't been officially diagnosed with anything.
I know what I do have, but not what I don't have.
I just Googled trichinellosis... . Wow, I read about this at one point wondering if I could end up with the same thing.
However I think it's the "wrong" kind of roundworm for me, as mine is hookworm (a roundworm) from my cats.
What were your initial symptoms and how long did it take for you to know you were sick?
Are your muscles (or more) affected? I have a disease of the muscles, but it's autoimmune (polymyositis) and has nothing to do with parasites. But my CPK goes way up when it's active.
I just read about trichinosis here: (looks like trichinellosis and trichinosis are the same thing?) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001655/
I'm so sorry you were turned down for treatment. What was the recommended treatment? Was it a medicine you could maybe order over the web? I'm from the USA so I'm not sure how much trouble you get in for doing that! :) - Cali
Thank you so much for sharing your story. I am truly sorry you are going through this hell. I have been putting off seeing a doctor, now thinking I should make that appointment. I too thought I had lice, but it turns out I believe I had body lice for a while. I bought used clothes; also, my dryer broke.High heat will kill body lice in clothing, but I didn't have (I did have an iron but at that time didn't realize what was going on). Earlier I had a flea infestation .. I have cats but really I think the fleas were from mice or other small animals in my garage and the wall between the garage and hallway. I know they were/are there, see the droppings, cats act funny around wall.
THEN I got tapeworm and the Dr said I had OCD. So I know what you mean about Drs that are dismissive. I now have hookworm, i know, I have all the signs. I was hoping it would go away. My cats keep getting reinfested after treatment and just keeping up cleaning is a huge chore (worm larvae not just around litter box anymore). I should really confine the cats to one room. Or bring them to the vet, ask them to keep them for a week and deworm them, take care of myself and some how sterilize my house.
SO much work. But honestly I'm not sure how serious my own case is, my eyesight is slightly downhill also, could be for a variety of reasons.
I wish you the best of luck and hope to see you post your progress here on curezone. I'm sure you'll find otheres with Trichinellosis. Remember if you do a search also search for Trichinosis (same thing, different spelling, according to PubMed online).
Good night!
WOW!!!!!!!!!! your message hit home. I feel bites and stuff too. it started with a flea infestation. That made me crazy enough. Then I thought I had dust mites or mold mites. Well now I realize I had at least mold mites. I was spraying too! some lady gave me the name of a less harmful spray called "Good Night" and it worked somewhat. I would even spray on my own clothes which you aren't supposed to do. I didn't really care. I didn't care about ANYTHING but for these damn bitey bugs and parasites to stop bothering me. My scalp was extremely itchy so I got tested for lice because I was always feeling something moving in my hair. Lady said that no lice, but I do have "dusty hair" .... hmm ... well I thought my place is dusty so am I.
Then I am pretty sure I ended up with body lice -- my dryer broke and I wasn't taking good care of my self.... that was just annoying. Then the friggin' tape worms.I saw the segments. I knew what to look for (from doing research for my cats) . I saw the tapeworm leave (twice, I guess the first time was a "partial" goodbye, and the second time was "see ya". Two nights ago I passed regular shaped poop but FILLED with hook worms, small ones, except one seemed like a Momma worm, thicker, they aren't long though. But EW. I was going to take a picture to show the docs that think we're crazy but I used to save so much stuff than after the doc said I was just delusional and had OCD, I stopped collecting.
Regarding yeast: I also have this thing where my throat feels like it has hair in it.. And I see these seed like things everywhere, and sometimes they just appear. I admit I haven't been taking the best care of myself because I'm trying to keep up with my condo and even getting dressed with no dryer still. So after many types of googles, I finally found someone with the seed thing. He thinks he has morgellens. I don't think I have that, I think I have lots of shi* in my body that doesn't belong there! Turns out the seeds are from fungus! Probably in my mouth, not brushing often enough, dry mouth, dry throat. I also see seeds all over my kitchen, where I feel very itchy. It's fungus! I found that on the web today. OMG I'm glad I know what it is. But also this morning I was so anxious it's impossible to explain. I keep cancelling things. My mind can't think straight. The fungus in my place is caused by some leaks I just found out about, but everything is getting worse, cracks in the ceiling, etc, so I gotta get a plumber here quick. I believe the moisture from the plumbing problems gets into my ducts. Wait, I KNOW it does. I took the cover off one of the intake vents a few nights ago and saw NOTHING but mildew or fungus or something, ALOT of it, which means if air is going through my intake vents, that is being circulated around my house. Ironically, today I found out my furnace blower isn't working, which is also used for the 'Return air" in the central air. So maybe it's not being THAT circulated. The mold/mildew in the intake vent is very close to some leaks I suspect I have.
Now I might need new HVAC system (it's getting old and I'd rather spend money for clean air in the place I'm supposed to be calling home. I live alone, i've owned this condo 15 years and it still doesn't feel like home and now I HATE it!) I'm going to get the ducts cleaned (because of the bacteria and fungus spreading) and get my garage finished off.
I'm going way out of order here but yes, I also have had the very small hookworms in my nose. and corners of my eyes. In fact I have a little more floaters so I really need to get to the doc. Hookworms, you can get in two ways. One is by walking through dirt, the beach, or litter box area where dogs and cats have been. The larvae, which looks like very small piece of thin yarn, digs into your feet and you don't know it. It's called cutaneous Migrans larvae. Where they came into your skin, that wound doesn't heal for quite a while. Thse these larvae aren't' limited to the litter box area anymore. Yestreday I had a BIG cleanup day here. It wore me out for today, because I also have autoimmune problems. Anyway.... these worms make their way up toward your throat, through your lungs!!!!! Then they do a uturn in the throat when you swallow. But if they don't, that's where I can see it's possible for them to come into my mouth and throat. People have had them in my eyes and I swear that I've had more eye gook and was paranoid for a while, I do have more floaters. I also have dry mouth (I have Sjogren's syndrome) and my throat has especially been feeling "hairy" or Cobwebby.
SOOOOOOO did research and found this could be due to exactly what you said, YEAST! They suggested having a tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar daily. Wow my skin looked better (less rashy) the next day (this is the day after I passed Momma worm too) and I didn't feel like I was getting bitten or things were crawling in my hair last night .. and less yeast in the throat (or worms). They said most people can't take the taste of ACV, so mix it with water and sip throughout the day. i just take a swig every now and then. I don't care what anything tastes like, give it to me!
I've read about the herbs, but haven't tried them, however, I know that these wormy parasites hate carrot juice, pineapples, and coconut. So I'm buying alot of this in beverage form, and I drink it down! They also hate garlic, I bought cloves, wow it's tough to eat one whole clove. you have to chew it well too. And they hate pumpkins seeds. SO I bought some of those too, and chew them well. And the day I passed those worms .... with the "Momma" worm -- I had drank a full quart of that Naked drink, the Green Machine. It's expensive but it's more than a meal. It's all natural fruits and lots of veggies. There are some ingredients that parasites hate in it, but there are really nutritious things in it too. So like you said about not overdoing it with yogurt, don't over do it with Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)
Since the hook worm, I've lost so much weight. I think it's getting better though. sores are healing, always wearing socks (with DE in them!) around the house, I don't see the wormies under my skin like I did (the cutaneous larvae migrans)
What freaked me out MORE is that I felt creepy crawly in my hair again. I knew it wasn't lice but I didn't really think the worms made it to the skin under my scalp.ll So .... I took that gel that comes with either Nix or the other one .... just the gel and took the lice comb and kind of massaged my scalp. I figured maybe the "dusty hair" was just alot of buildup, Nobody ever told me I had dandruff. OMG So much ick came out, I guess buildup on my scalp. Lord knows what. I had been washing my hair every day. I spent two hours combing close to my scalp without wrecking it, but my hair si HORRIBLE now however I don't care. I think I'm going to ask to get it cut short. I'm afraid to go to her because if she sees something freaky in my hair! Anyway I did this combing over a sink filled with water because I wanted to see what came out. OK here it is: the grosses thing that came out looked like 3 small black eggs. Or black mold. Those I saved. I didn't find these until an hour after combing, they just came out somewhere I guess I hadn't combed thoroughly yet, I think they must have been kind of adhered to my scalp. It also came out with this clear/white plasticy thing that looks like something from the ocean. Pretty big, maybe 1/3 inch long. I still have those "eggs" (dunno, maybe it was black mold) .... but they are drying up. I should have preserved them, they say to preserve in isopropyl alcohol?OMG .. I can't discuss this with many because it DOES sound delusional.
But I'm happy today I found out about my furnace return blower motor not working which means my air isn't circulating as well which causes more mildew and strange seeds all over. And that the ACV seems to be helping. And the carrot, pineapple, and Green Machine juices are helping.
I've been doing my sips of AC today, and I do feel better. One more thing: did you ever here of "DE" .. it's Diatomaceous Earth Shell Flour, Earth Grade. It's useful for pretty much everything, people use it to get rid of their parasites. Let me know if you want more info. You can also use it to sprinkle under your mattress and couch cushions a blow a little bit along where bugs get in. It kills bugs pretty much instantly, but it's natural enough to eat (mix with juice or apple sauce, or even yogurt!). Let me know, there's so much information. I got mine from www.earthworkshealth.com after doing allot of research. I got 4 jugs instead of a 50 pound bag. People also very successfully use it to get rid of the parasites in their cats, dogs, horses, etc....... I haven't been very steady with it, I guess I should be, you don't have to take allot.
Well this is long enough and all over the map. But when I read your post I so identified with your story. I might be a year or so behind you, but so glad to be talking to you, thanks for sharing everything. Tell me what other diet secrets you have. And have you tried pure organic carrot juice and pineapple juice (or just pineapples, really, it has a digestive enzyme in it that parasites will hate, the parasites hanging out in your gut area.) My little wormies will make it there eventually after their uturn, lol.
Cali (is that what I've been calling myself?