Here is a paste of a post I just left someone in the candida forum, in hopes it might help someone else:
Thanks for the heads up on Dr. McCombs. I have found from experience that a lot of what he says is what works. A couple of exceptions though. He says not to try to kill candida and he doesn't mention how it can be detected and killed with apple cider vinegar &/or 3% hydrogen peroxide or live kefir added into enemas.
When I used those enemas I would get bad die off - especially the itchiness at night - but it was worth it! After having done every Hulda Clark etc. cleanse, experimenting with meds for thyroid & adrenal & so on, I still didn't feel normal until I got that gunk out of my body. It took dozens & dozens of clenases but they were worth it. I saw all kinds of wispy white tissue looking things, dark seaweedish looking things, milky discharge, a few instances of the "string cheese", occasional yellow gel and most of all tons of mucous attached to burnt orange colored crusty thingies.
When it all stopped coming out, that's when I started to feel good! (And btw I always added yogurt with live cultures to the last enema bag and always ate such yogurt, along with some kefir, daily.)
The thing is I don't think that diet alone would have necessarily cleaned that impacted crud off of my colon, or if it did that it might take a much longer time.