You sound exactly like I did about a year and a half ago. I know the dark place you're in right now all too well. I guarantee your problem is the same thing mine was: you now have
food allergies /intolerance. You are exhibiting CLASSIC
food intolerance symptoms. CLASSIC.
These most likely developed because you are highly toxic, especially in your liver and gallbladder. At the beginning of toxicity build up, symptoms are mild to non-existent. Once you reach the breaking point, things that you were once able to handle, become toxic and unfilterable. Foods, chemicals, medications, etc that were once your friend are now your enemy. I struggle with this same affliction.
The good news is that the disturbing symptoms you are suffering from now are almost instantly "curable".
First of all, you need to immediately change your diet. Immediately. You need to cut out the two most dastardly foods in the world, gluten and dairy. Gluten is a protein that exists in wheat, barely, and rye. You need to cut out ALL breads, beers, and broths. This is pivotal. This is the thing that is aggravating your body and immune system the most. No pizza, no burgers, no mac'n cheese, no wheat!!! Next is dairy. Cut out dairy completely. No milk, cheese, butter, no cream. Cut it out. Learn to love fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds, and lean meats (even though no meat vegan is best, but we'll work on that).
Next you need to quit poisoning yourself with chemicals and medication. All prescription drugs interfer and change the consistency of your bile, which causes gallstones, which cause your symptoms. Cut the birth control and the prescription and over the counter drugs. Your body was never built to handle these poisons.
If the medicines thing is too much, just start with eliminating the gluten and dairy.
I PROMISE you this will help. There is not a doubt in my mind. Lemme tell you a bit of my story. I had my toxic event in August of 2010 after taking Prilosec OTC. Every day after that was hell. I had all of your symptoms. Pounding heart (especially after meals), crippling anxiety, rashes, high bp, indigestion, trouble sleeping, trouble breathing, bloating. So many more symptoms I can't even remember right now. I finally went to a holistic doctor and he did a stool and saliva test. I had severe adrenal fatigue, bad bacteria overgrowth in my gut, and a systemic yeast infection (wtf, I'm a 25 year old dude). My hormones were also all over the place. I decided to do my homework and came across gluten intolerance. I cut out gluten and dairy from my diet completely and within a week I was noticing real relief. I went back to my doctor 2 months later and he ran another stool/saliva test. He was shocked. My AF had completely resolved, the bacteria balance was better than normal, and there was no sign of yeast(candida) infection. Zero. I saw both test with my own eyes. I went from 25% health to 85% health where I remain today. if I accidentally ingest either gluten or dairy I get a quick reminder from my body I can't handle it. I ate wheat and dairy my entire life and never had a problem until my toxicity reached critical mass!
It will help you. It all depends on how bad you want your health back. You're about to learn real self control. The cravings will be bad. You got this tho.
Once you get a hold of your health it will be time to liver flush. That is the true key to getting your life back. I'm on flush 11 this weekend and I have passed 1300 stones at least and seen great results. You just worry about getting that crap out your diet first. Personal message me if you have questions.
Keep me posted,