"before 1900 virtually ALL doctors were versed in herbal medicine and it was commonplace for people to deworm themselves a few times a year."
Yes and please look up the life expectancy in US and other countries back then. So yes just by taking some herbs and deworm themself and eating organic garlic they lived very long, Wrong! Life expectancy was much shorter back then as you can get confirmed by lots of reliable sources. Yes quite some people lived long, but at least this can not have been so widely known and so widely effective as you claim, there is no evidence of it. The evidence goes strongly agaisnt what you say.
There are quite some evidence that some herbs can take out some parasites, and several of western
parasite medicines are actually based on finding the active igridigents and making it more effective. However most known herbs are too weak to take out a series of parasites. And further as long as u have no diagnoses how do you know how to treat, try 3000 herbs and hope one helps, some herbs also have more dangerous side effects than
Antibiotics . That something is natural do not mean it is healthy,
parasites are natural. Some of the most dangerous poisons are natural.
I have read Huldra Clark books also.
Huldra Clark is among several people (and doctors) that got the main idea right, namely that there must be a good reason so many so chronic sick, that just are given nonsense syndrom/symptoms diagnoses by waste majority of dotors, and she is almost for sure right it is caused by chronic infections. But she never figured out what infections was most common causes for so many people with chronic sickness, I bet she never did mucus scrapings for Histolytica, she do not refer to the many excellent papers that show also other common bugs can be cause, but hard to detect.
She got hooked up on liver flukes, without hardly any scientific evidence that these are even close to as wide spread as she give impresssion of in her books. Yes liver flukes are real, but for most people with gastro problems, chronic pains etc. there are very ery good reasons to look for other things first, but only a couple of doctors seems to follow the infection medicine litterature to great detail.
Unfortunately just to understand many cases of chronic illness likely is caused by
parasites is not enough. Then this forum would hardly exist. One also need right diagnose and right medicine. This is where Huldra Calrk seems to fail big time, because she never figured out based on extensive testing what people actullay had in most cases.
Many of the herbs also have little scientific evidence of being able to cure what some here claims they can cure, that they for example had some effect in a lab on some bugs do not mean they cure people, absorbation, side effects, distribution in the body etc is hard to find out. That some out of many people feeling sick that never got a proper diagnosis get well at some point is not much to do with knowing cause and cure.
Yes some herbs can cure some parasites. But many have also tried lots and lots of western herbs and Ayrvendic herbs, and chinese herbs without getting hardly any better, first when they got diagnosed by top doctros what
parasites they actually (or very likely had) had and got right medicines they got cured.
But I think understand where u come from, lots of frustration as most of us had, and seeking simple answers...but I would suggest carefully study the big books on infection medicine, and not only some half populistic ideas.