It was suggested to drink cranberry juice/apple juice with collodial silver and cloves.
Take the systemic enzymes first thing in the morning and between meals.
Probiotics:your choice
Prebiotics: maca powder is ideal added to probiotics.
Here are a few to study:
Buluoke..thins the blood as garlic
add Wobenzym N to eat away what buluoke loosens.
These were suggested for lymes and
parasites all throughout the body.
If brain
parasites it is suggested to add turmeric as well.
Protease: protease and the small intestine and ascarsis
cysteine protease this
ammonium chloride for allergies..also was used inconjunct with antihelthm meds to break down the three layers of ascarsis.( this is what they used to give after meds) It seems to me they would give this first, then attack with meds or herbs.
Taking systemic and digestive enzymes along with pre and probitics cuts down the need for herbs and meds long term.
The seaprose will reduce the mucous and the fibrin sp the biofilm that they encase themselves the others work on the biofilm as well.
Seaprose found in mucostop...and others. I have seen 5mg of seaprose and 1,500 units in some products sold as systemic enzymes.
I did read an experiment on ascarsis eggs in soil..a.compost was made and eggs added. They used urine and ash. The ammonia and ash killed the eggs and it took a week for them to perish. I wonder if UT and activated charcoal would work the same? Just a thought..urine enema with charcoal for pinworms?
Any thoughts?