You mentioned Lyme Bacteria....
When I did research on one of the Lyme markers (41 kDa) found in Western Blot test, which indicates a Flagella -
I also found in Wiki under Flagellum:
The "9+2" structure is visible in this cross-section micrograph of axoneme. Along with cilia, flagella make up a group of organelles known as undulipodia.
When clicking on the undulipodia it took me to a listing of different types including Playhelminths.
When cliking on platyhelminths it takes you directly to FLATWORMS - lisitng Tuberellia, Trematodes and Cestodes.
So, when is a Lyme diagnosis really a misconception or a possilbe Fluke or Tapeworm? I guess I should phrase this as a differential diagnosis for medical terminology puposes.
It is hard enough for doctors to treat people with Lyme with more than a week of
Antibiotics in this country, let alone the ability for a doctor to believe that a US citizen could have a friggin
Tapeworm or liver/blood fluke.
Could Neurological Lyme really be Taenia Solium which lives within the brain and virtually any other organ and muscle?
When searching for Taenia Solium and finding the illnesses of Cysticercosis and Neurocysticercosis, you do find it is here in the US. Primarily brought over by immigrants from Mexico, apparently.
Also, Wikipedia states:
The threat to humans in developed countries is rising as a result of social trends: the increase in organic farming, which uses manure and sewage sludge rather than artificial fertilizers, and spreads
parasites both directly and via the droppings of seagulls which feed on manure and sludge; the increasing popularity of raw or lightly cooked foods; imports of meat, seafood and salad vegetables from high-risk areas; and, as an underlying cause, reduced awareness of
parasites compared with other public health issues such as pollution. In less-developed countries, inadequate sanitation and the use of human feces (night soil) as fertilizer and to enrich fish farm ponds continues to spread parasitic platyhelminths, and poorly designed water-supply and irrigation projects have provided additional channels for their spread.
Positive test results were found in people who only worked with immigrants, possibly as simple as touching a door handle or a car/truck steering wheel. However the possible mode of transmission it is documented.
Orthodox Jewish men, who never eat port also have been reported with it in New York.
Sorry to ramble, but something is not clear to me about Lyme and the way doctors treat people who may be infected with a worm of any type.
If you have any opinion or answers to my questions please let reply.