Anyone know how long it takes for all mercury to leave the body after getting all teeth with amalgams removed?
My mom has had tons of issues since having all her teeth pulled a year ago.
My mom is on ALA and iodine.
She didn't start getting sick until after she had the amalgams out.
I would have thought that amalgam removal would cause the body to feel better, but both her and I seen some issues after removal.
I have her on ALA since April 2012 and I think there is some improvement. I take it once in a while, but need to take it more.
I also, have been using iodine, so I don't want to do both iodine with EDTA. I think iodine and ALA is fine, but it takes longer.
I am only giving my mom 300mg of ALA per day.
I give her 6 drops of Lugol's 5% every other day and on the opposite days, I give her the salt push.
300mg of ALA.
Selenium is an antioxidant, but I have not been giving that to my mom.
A few years ago, I gave my mom lugol's iodine with selenium and she couldn't breath very well immediately after that.
She never had any problems with Lugol's, but the combo caused a strange reaction.
The ALA seems to be helping her, but I don't think I will be able to get her to take it every 3-4 hours.
Thanks for the link.
hi erm,
Yes, she had all her teeth pulled 3 years ago.
I have her taking:
50mg Lugol's every other day
salt pushe opposite days
300 mg ALA
1200 mg NAC
3 g Vitamin C
She has alot going on that I have been trying to resolve, but the autoimmune part is slow to resolve.
It's better, but I think the iodine is the best next step.
I had my amalgams replaced with ceramic solid onlays by a biocompatable dentist which used mercury safe extraction methods.
My mom had all her teeth pulled and has dentures, but she could have reactions to the plastics.
--correction: I just found out my mom still has one lower back tooth with an amalgam filling in it. This explains the problems.
However, her livedo reticularis appeared right after she started tapering a benzodiazepine.
She just kept going down hill after that and ended up with a cancerous lung tumor that I was able to shrink using D and serrapeptase.
She got really bad when she decided, against my heavy warnings, to take a fluoroquinolone.
That threw her into pure hell with benzo withdrawal and very painful neuropathy.
She is doing much better now, and the only thing left is the livedo reticularis and numbness at the bottom of her feet.
Her lung function has improved from 91% for years, to 97% using NAC, Serrapeptase, D, C, E, epsom salts and protein shakes.
Also, nearly all the nodules in her lungs and a renal cyst all shrunk 4mm in 3 months.
Now, I think it is the lack of iodine, due to fluoride and bromide toxicity along with heavy metals put into her blood stream from flu shots.
If the iodine can flush out all the heavy metals and halogens, she maybe able to cure this autoimmune response.
She had the entire teeth extracted on top and most bottoms except for 2 incisers and one back tooth which they filled with plastic.