Your posts are again twisted errorful slurring flames slyvette. You are a twisted basher, a stalker and a flamer slyvette, and because you errorfully slured and name called me 'a 4 year old whose barbie doll got run over by a bus' in your post. I will report your post. And rebuke a flaming basher, name caller and negative slurBOT poster like you. YOU ARE NOT INTERESTD IN OR KNOWLEDGEABLE ABOUT INEDIA, ETS, FRUITARIANISM, FOOD PYRAMID SCAM, OR THE BIBLE slyvette. You slurred, mocked, TWISTED and misprinted my posts and name called me a 'wimp' and worse yesterday when I told you to educate yourself and read a bible if you have spiritual or ET questions. I refused to argue with you yesterday slyvette WHEN YOU STALKED FLAMED AND BASHED ME AND TWISTED AND MISPRINTED MY POSTS LYING POSTING IN ERROR THAT 'I SAID GOD WAS A HE,' YOUR A LIAR SLYVET. I POSTED 'MOTHER FATHER GOD,' YOU LIED AND MISPRINTED MY OWN POST AND LIED ABOUT YOUR MISPRINT TO TRY TO DEMAND A REPLY FROM ME, YOU LIED MORE AND FABRICATED IN MISPRINT YOUR LIARS WAY TO ERRORFULLY AND WRONGFULLY CONTINUE TO BASH ME. BASH YOUR OWN TWISTED LYING MISPRINTS SLYVETT. I OUT-ED YOU AS A LIAR and a STALKER, misprinting and rewriting my posts in error and misquoteing and twisting my post errorfully posting that I said God was a he when my posts read Mother Father God and then bashing me for your own twisted misprint of my post. your a LIAR AND YOU TWISTED and you misprinted my post.POST TO SOMEONE ELSE SLY VET AND STOP STALKING ME. YOUR OUTED FOR YOUR LYING TWITED MISPRINT OF MY POSTS. I refused to argue with you weeks ago sly vet when you bashed fresh fruit. I told you to go away when you slandered fresh fruits. And I rebuke you again and refuse to argue inedia with you. Inedia is not for you, go eat a cow every hour until you explode and die from abomidable erring wrong food gluttony. Go post mucus forming chicken recipes with a mucus forming chicken addict. And post your twisted lies to others who wish to post and argue with a twisted liar who lies, misprints my posts and lies about it = you slyvet. You have only sought to flame, bash, stalk, and slur me, slur fresh fruit, slur fasting, slur light diet, slur the lies you errorfully fabricate and misprint. WE AGREE TO DISAGREE. I WILL IGNORE YOUR POSTS IN THE FUTURE SLYVETTE AND I ASK YOU TO DO SAME. SKIP MY THREADS AND POSTS AND STOP STALKING FLAMEING BASHING AND SLURING ME AND MY THREADS AND POSTS SLYVETTE. GET LOST FLAMEING SLURBOT SLYVETTE.
135, So skip my posts and go eat flesh. Supervise your own beliefs systems. The earth is round, not flat.
I am a fruitarian christian who practices inedia and believes in ets
The bashers flamers stalkers and slurbots on this forum attack what they do not understand.
They need to learn to obey CZ TOS.
And I disagree with your errorful statement that 'man is not meant to live on fruit alone.'
God stated very clearly in GENESIS 1:29 'God has given man every fruit tree and every fruit bearing seed and every herb bearing seed as his meat' It is my free will and my free choice to believe God Almighty in Genesis 1:29 page 8, chapter One, of the Holy Bible, KJV. over you 116. Jesus fasted 40 days and 40 nights. Saint Matthew 4:2. And I do not believe in your errorful mis diagnoses 116 that fruitarians are manic. Your are incorrect. And I rebuke your errorful insinuation that I am 'spiritually arrogant' as you erringly posted. Could you be the spiritually unaware one 116? Erringly name calling me 'spiritually arrogant?' Could you be unaware 116, of the et's, breatharians, inedites, pranarians, manna as the dew, cosmic quark particle soup and the fresh fruit garden of eden God gave us? I suggest you take your own advice that you gave to me and look at your own reflection in the mirror 116 and examine your spiritual awareness and knowledge base of prana, fresh fruit and ets. And look at your erring name calling of me as 'spiritually arrogant.' That was very unkind of you 116 and an error. If you want 20 days of my time 116, I will give you 20 days for the fee of 2000 dollars a day paid upfront to me held in escrow by my atty. and 200 dollars a day paid to each of my bodyguards to make sure you keep a civil tongue, and 2000 a day paid to my atty who wishes to be present to ensure all of my civil rights are respected and you must pay my cs practitioner 100 dollars a day to metaphysically offset your negative erring thought projections on inedia. And then you may watch me practice inedia as I and my bodyguards, atty and cs practitioner record the lovely inedia on video.Gauntlet down 116, put your money where your mouth is.
Galileo is here, asserting the world is round, not flat as you erringly believe 116, and I am here asserting 20 days of inedia is a peice of feather weight cake. 20 years of inedia is a little more ideal. I'm waiting for the flat earthers to tell me why they erringly think the mushed lips and butt of a dead pig (a hot dog) has anything to do with sustaining any humans life force and spirit on earth? Haha, you flat earthers are silly and no way will you break my telescopes this time.When I post things that may help others if applied, ie, fruitarian diet, light eating, discarding erring diagnostics, reliance on ones own spiritual development, links to pranarian pioneers, the dangers of the special interest usda food pyramid, the dangers of spiritual ignorance of God and devils aka ET's and dracos, when I post the mechanisms and debilitating effect of eating usda food pyramid food. Posters who ought to know better like slyvette, repeatedly bash, stalk, name call me, flame, misquote and rewrite my posts full of thier (slyvetts) misprints and other unacceptable CZ TOS violations. If I post an interest progress link on economic white hat guys that I believe to be legit, same old cz TOS VIOLATORS hit and run bashers, slurers do not address the post content, they just hit and run flame and bash me because they do not like or understand the white hat economics guy, or fruit diet, or prana, or they never saw an et or they are athiest or addicted to comfort food etc.
Prana, light diet, self programing, out-ing dracos, understanding et's and spiritual evolution, self responsibility, etc are cutting edge healing realities in 2012. If Trapper will not stop hit and run bashers or old timer flaming stalkers-who should know better-btw, then I must defend myself and out-ed and report the CZ TOS violators.
Some forum owners like to let thier forum posters abuse others, imo that is an unacceptable violation of CZ SPIRIT and CZ TOS.
If I post controversial data, those who fear new info or have a monetary or stagnant interest in stagnancy will attack the messenger of new info or new data or allow a tag team attack on thier forum- that is unacceptable. CZ is a forum where flaming, bashing, stalking and attacking are in violation of CZ spirit and CZ TOS.
I never once bashed flamed or stalked trapper or anyone else here for drinking iodine and I did not expect trapper would allow his forum posters to repeat tag team bash, stalk and flame me, a visiting poster.
If fake lies and fake disease creating reception was my reason for posting, no one would bash me as I would post the 'hate government pablum, ignore God and diet, ignore common biological sense, drink iodine, get fat, eat the usda food chart, live unconsciously, and blame others' meme that is parroted here
In order to help another I post my experiences and what worked for me over the last 8 years here on cz and in the wider info highway, if comfort food addicts can't travel self responsibility or daily conscious awareness as a road, that is cool, just no bashing, flaming or stalking of me and others who are already traveling those roads or ready for those steps. The bashers, flamers and stalkers are in repeat violation of all CZ TOS.
Just because they are addicted to food does not mean all of us are food addicts. Just because some posters never saw an et does not mean millions of others haven't seen an et or had a spiritual vision. To each his own. Just no bashing flameing or stalking of cz posters, new members or older members. Common decency in any forum goes a long way. Lack of common decency makes a place no good. CZ is good and CZ TOS is good when enforced. I turned the other cheek many times on this forum, and each time I turned the other cheek, one of trappers dogs would flame, bash or stalk me again and again. Heads up trapper, keep your dogs on a leash. LEASH LAW = CZ TOSDC, I agree. Because I am a fruitarian christian inedite who believes in ets. The bashers flamers and slurbots who violate CZ TOS stalk harass flame and bash me, they do not intelligently question any content I post, they just bash, flame and stalk me and violate CZ TOS. slyvette misquotes my posts and misprints my posts. slyvette stalks my posts, slurs and name calls me in violation of CZ TOS...
My mother taught me to report bullies, stalkers, bashers, harassers and flamers and to stand up to slurBOTS who violate CZ TOS. My mother also taught me to DEFEND and PROTECT myself and other underdogs or vulnerable persons who are being stalked, slurred, bashed, flamed and/or harassed by violators.Apparently, he prefers to run an abusive CZ TOS violating forum and live off of kcmo's nursing paycheck. Obviously trappers gets off on DERILICTION OF DUTY AS A FORUM OWNER, encouraging gang assault on cz visitors and self and other poisoning with biotoxic iodine. This place is littered with his dead dog iodine causualties.
What would Norway say about this bad scene trapper?.
Maybe.... Clean up your act trapper and control your rabid iodine poisoned dogs.
Thank you.
It depends on your perspective, I remember when trapper went off of clean diet and got on his iodine kick. I wanted to see where drinking iodine took him.
Sad really sad. Reminds me of a walk I took through a YMCA flop house lobby filled with nasty dying crippled bums, the one normal Norwegian guy, my friend, was running the place told me while I waited in the lobby, 'Do not patronize or feel sorry for these bums, they are very sick and evil'
As I waited in the lobby for some work to get done, these doped sick bums tried to suck me into thier sickie spider web, one with ms, put his fingernails in my arm and drew blood to try to get me to stay and listen to his rx drug twisted mind, another kept jumping in my face demanding I 'take him to get ice cream', he was so FAR GONE and brain poisoned he must of been on 20 rx meds just to be at sub sub barely functioning level. The others were diseased suicide cases, perverts playing with themselves drooling on themselves in corners spitting out perverse filth and there were a few bold ones who screamed anti christ satanic hate in my face because I had a large cross around my neck.
When we left I asked my friend why those people were so sick. My friend said, they are not sick, the two guys murdered people in the war and loved killing others, the other guys were wife beaters, kid beaters and pimps who got thrown to the gutter by the ex's and kids, the guy with ms who scratched my arm tried to kill his ex wife for insurance money so the docs fried him with interferon injections and ms and the rest of the bums were former hotshots, guys who used to work in the big advertising agencies telling lies to sell garbage, one was a debarred lawyer who screwed people over, another was an incompetent alcoholic woman md who lost her licence to practice her bad bad med, the few crazy athiest women had abused thier kids so bad they were tossed to the street.
Just NO GOOD devil dupes who went down the bad devils road and scrounged free buffalo wing meals and booze all thier miserable user loser lives at every happy hour free food bar in town. In other words they were evil athiests, drunks, gigillos, con artists, evil hot shots, incompetents, killers, know it alls, abusers, etc and they were just reaping what they had sowen. A tortured miserable wretched brain fogged sot brain zombified daemonic existance. They all sat in a big TV room every day like brain dead mules and guffawed, fought, snorked, clawed, slurred, stabbed, jabbed and spit negative slime and venom on each other daily, fighting over which cartoons to watch on the TV.Same as this forum