I agree with you, moderation is great. The purpose of court is to drag beligerant abusers into court to take thier time money and life, so they learn there is a cost to attacking and LIBELING, POSTING BLATANT OUTRIGHT LIES ABOUT OTHERS aka libel and and name calling others online. ie., HERE LAST 2 WEEKS, everytime i post of my experiences and info on fresh fruit, alternative diet, ets, spirituality, or religion.
wen here, screams repeatedly about piss and urine and LIBELS me a 'disinfo specialist', wen lies and calls me LIBELS me in print, a 'disinfo specialist from the federal government'. NOT KIDDING
i researched and saw that wen posts disturbingly UNFOUNDED sick misrable posts about destroying the world. it is unerring to deal with wen when she posts lies that my personal expriences are 'disinformation' and that i am 'employed by the federal government to post on cz as a disinformation specialist.' is wen on rx? Wen is lying and libeling me. does wen suffer from paranoia or a pd? wen hallucinates and posts lies "that i work for the federal government AS A DISINFORMATION SPECIALIST" WEN POSTS BLATANT LIBELOUS LIES. WEN DOES NOT ADDRESS DIET INFO ET INFO SOURCE OR EXPERIENCE, SHE JUST LIBELS AND NAME CALLS. Not cool, not legal.
WEN POSTS BLATANT LIBEL, LIES..attacking and name calling me and other cz members... WHY?
what is wrong with wen? If wen hates others based on fresh fruits, alternative diet info, et information, spiritual beliefs or experience, that is wens hate problem and wen has no right to post outright lies and libel about other cz members because she does not share similar beliefs. Wen is posting LIBEL and LIES on cz and i am noteing it here.