I used a magnetic mattress pad and pillow pad from 7/2009-10/2010 (About 15 months). I was following some advice to sleep on a magnetic mattress that I read in a book called 'Natural Cures' by
Kevin Trudeau . I bought a magnetic mattress off of ebay from magneticservices. Its a magnetic mattress pad and pillow pad that is 3950 gauss and it sits on top of the mattress and pillow. The magnets are positioned so that the negative field is towards the body. I used it every night during that time. Near the beginning it was a bit uncomfortable to get used to, and I was sleeping 12 hours for a few days. Eventually my body made adjustments and I slept normally which is about 8-9 hours a night, without waking up at all during the night. My sleep was very regular just like it was before I started using the magnetic mattress pad.
Around 11/2009 I started having chronic constipation and the ends of my two big toes became brittle.
Around 8/2010 I took a trip out to Montana to see my brother for a week. During this week I did not sleep on any magnets and I slept terrible - 5 hours a night of light unrestful sleep. After I got back home I returned to sleeping on the magnets and I very quickly returned to getting 8 hours of deep sleep a night.
Around 10/2010 I wondered if the magnet therapy was causing my chronic constipation and brittle toenails, so I removed the magnets from my bed. My sleep was terrible. I was only sleeping about 5 hours a night during the first week and I would often wake up every few hours. I had a few night sweats, and sometimes I would get strange insomnia where I would be laying in bed dreaming but I was awake. My sleep was light. The second week I started getting indigestion after meals. Over time my sleep and digestion improved. After a few weeks I was averaging 6 hours a night. After a few months I was averaging 7 hours a night of sleep. My digestion also got better - I would only have belching after eating fruits and some meals, but without indigestion. My chronic constipation did seem to improve. Not all the way back to normal, but there was improvement I think.
It has now been about 17 months since I went off the mattress (3/2012). My sleep and digestion are close to normal but not quite what they used to be. I often wake up in the middle of the night and go right back to sleep and I don't think I get as much deep/REM sleep as I used to. I average somewhere between 7-7.5 hours a night of sleep. My digestion is fine except for some belching. But my digestion and sleep used to be perfect before sleeping on the magnetic mattress pad & pillow pad. 8-9 hours of regular deep sleep a night and no belching after meals.
I think I read somewhere that the magnetism can stimulate your pineal gland to produce melatonin. My 'theory' is that my body downregulated signals for melatonin production to gain balance with the additional melatonin production due to the magnetic assistance it was getting. After I stopped using the magnets perhaps my body didn't go back to the way it used to be. Maybe it changed gene expression or something.
I am considering returning to sleeping on the magnetic mattress again to have my perfect sleep and digestion back. I'm pretty sure my sleep and digestion would return. I am considering trying a lower gauss - 900 first, and see what that gets me. However I am worried about other long term risks and side effects. I'm not sure if the magnets where the cause of my constipation or not. I was also doing some extreme low calorie and low carbohydrate dieting and cleanses during the time where the chronic constipation started.
I would like to know if anyone else has noticed side effects from sleeping on a magnetic mattress. Did anyone have trouble sleeping when they discontinued using it after they had been sleeping on the magnetic mattress for an extended period of time? Anyone notice side effects from sleeping on a magnetic mattress? Does anyone have information or can point me to a source/book that explains any of this? Any treatment for it?