You might consider reading "Overcoming Thyroid Disorders" by David Brownstein, M.D. He doesn't mention toxic nodules per se, but writes about finding the underlying causes of your thyroid dysfunction and treating those. He covers hypothyroid, hyperthyroid, Graves', Hashi's, and other autoimmune conditions. Causes can include infection, low adrenal function, and low thyroid function among others, and treatments might include a small amount of antibiotics, iodine, physiologic doses of hydrocortisone, DHEA, diet, and vitamins and minerals.
For instance, it might seem contradictory, but hair loss and fatigue indicate hypothyroid. Since you think your labs indicate a slight tendency to being hyper, I interpret that to mean that some measure is over the upper limit. Sometimes that can be due to low adrenal function. If you were to take enough hydrocortisone, thyroid hormone levels would decrease as they got into your cells, then you would need additional thyroid hormone to feel better. Dr. Brownstein is a good place to start, as is the website for Stop the Thyroid Madness.