The problem is that flouride builds up over time in our bodies, it's never fully excreted, kind of like heavy metals.
So a lifetime of low exposure causes the same problems that a short high exposure would. Probably worse because we start having all these health problems (like arthritis) and don't know what is causing it.
Also I've recently learned that flouride calcifies the pineal gland, which regulates sleep and many other hormonal functions. (Some people say that the pineal gland is our "third eye" and also regulates spiritual connection, but whatever on that one, just throwing it out there.)
Anyway you can detox flouride from your body by ingesting boron. Google this for yourself if you think I'm making this crap up, but you can chelate the flouride out by drinking very small amounts of borax (yes, what's sold to brighten laundry) mixed in water. It's a well known homeopathic remedy and has the toxicity rating of salt. Again, very small amounts along with water (1/8 tsp in a liter of water).
It's not acidic, and it's not bleach or soap - in fact the kind I buy tastes slightly sweet and has no chemical smell or taste to it, at least in the tiny amounts that are used and I'm extremely chemical sensitive. It's boron, an essential element that we need for strong bones, increasing testosterone, and much more.