Can you explain the detox system to me perhaps in laymans terms?
Like the immune system, which is a variety of things so is the detox system. There is the blood, lymphatic system parts of the immune system the liver, the colon, the skin, etc.
I have heard of specific supps which are “detox provokers”, does that mean we have to provoke detox, and it doesn’t happen by itself.
Our body's are generally pretty efficient at detoxifying and /or eliminating most toxins. If our systems were not very efficient then we would not last very long. But sometimes we have trouble with systems either being overloaded or suppressed.
What can hinder detox activity?
Again it depends on the system. But a few things that can affect our ability to eliminate toxins include lack of exercise, lack of flora, poor liver or kidney function, heavy intake of toxins such as herbicide/pesticide exposure or many pharmaceutical medications, low vitamin B intake and lack of water intake.
Does methylation play a role in detox, if so to what extent?
Some "toxins" can be broken down by methylation. For example, the liver uses methylation to break down excess estrogens and in the metabolizing of drugs and some other substances. Homocysteine, produced by the body can actually be considered a toxin, and it is dealt with by methylation.
If toxins aren’t “detoxed” what happens to them, do they get stored somewhere?
Depends on the "toxin". Even water can be toxic to the body, which is why the body works to rid itself of extra water. Estrogens are broken down in to metabolites that are then broken down by the flora in to inert substances that are expelled in the feces. Uric acid is used by the body as an antioxidant, then is converted in to urea and eliminated in urine. Carbon dioxide is used for several purposes in the body such as formation of stomach acid and the remainder exhaled. Ammonia compounds are primarily dealt with by the liver, but some can also be expelled through the skin........
Some toxins can be stored in the body as well if the detoxification systems are overwhelmed. The excess is normally stored in body fat.
Does detox just mean get “rid of and out of the body”?
It could be breakdown and/or elimination of the substance.
If toxins are stored, then how does the liver get rid of them, does it suck them in once it’s got a few mins spare ;)
Kind of. If the liver is not so overwhelmed then it can work on dealing with stored toxins. But again there are various aspects to the body's detoxification system. Even dietary phytates, algins and pectins can help with biding and removing heavy metals. So it is not only the body itself that helps us to detoxify.
Or do you have to provoke the toxins out of hiding so the liver can process them?
The liver has to be up to par for the liver to do a proper job of helping to detox the body. This is one of the reasons I like bitters and B vitamin sources to help the liver function properly.
What exactly is involved in the processing of them out of the body?
Again it all depends on what "toxin" you are referring to. Different "toxins"a re dealt with by the body in different ways.
What are bitters?
Here is an old post I did explaining bitters:
Thanks for da reply!!! My husband thinks I need
To take astragulus to help build my immune system. Is anyone taking Astragulus and if so did you have any side effects?
Astragalus (milk vetch root) is a great herb for the immune system. Its effects are on the adrenals, bone marrow increasing white blood cell counts, increasing antibody production, preventing pathogen binding to membranes, increasing interferon, and stimulation of white blood cells.
As far as side effects there are virtually none. The one area though where a person would have to be careful is in cases of autoimmunity due to the polysaccharides. In lower concentrations it can help treat autoimmune conditions by supporting the adrenals. In high doses though the polysaccharides can increase the destruction of tissues by increasing white blood cell activity.
Honestly Hv, I'm so completely lost about what I should take first and fearful about what I should or shouldn't take after having that birth control removed in 2008. Doctors tell me everything is normal other than low vitamin D, monocytes High (still unsure as to what that means),
Monocytes are a type of infection fighting white blood cell. When elevated this generally indicates bacterial infection.
and chlosterol high;
This results from poor liver function and/or low thyroid function.
however, I know it's more to the story because I feel terrible. I have no periods, extreme fatigue, panic attacks, dizziness or vertigo, cloudy mind, acid reflux, tightness in throat and jaw, shocks in the head. Knowing the Mirena, what you think I should do to aid in the direction of recovery?
Many of the symptoms you mentioned have many causes, so it can be a little tricky to narrow down. But hypothyroidism is a likely contributor to many of them. I recommend checking your basal body temperature for at least a week for starters. Instructions can be found on this page:
Cleansing the liver with digestive bitters is also highly recommended, as well as increasing you intake of B vitamin rich foods.
I tried taking psyllium n benonite clay and was soooo weak
I do not like psyllium or bentonite.
I was weak for more than 3 days and ended up in the ER. I'm scared but I believe it's now time 2 take action bc I want 2 feel half decent and not as if I'm deterioting. I thankful and open to any advice u can give!!! :-)
I recommend starting with the above to see how things go, then things can be adjusted as needed based on the results, which can help narrow things down.
THANKS FOR YOUR REPLY....I REALLY APPRECIATE IT. You mentioned having a thyroid probelm. My gynecologist did check for my thyroid issues and saw nothing but I plan to go get a thermometer just to make sure.
Lab tests frequently miss cases of hypothyroidism. Basal body temperature is more accurate.
It would make sense that's it's a liver problem but Hopefully it's neither.
When referring to the liver this does not mean that there is damage. It can be something as simple as under functioning from congestion.
What herbs helps the liver function properly?
The bitters will help quite a bit. Some other herbs that are great for the liver include bupleurum, schisandra berry and Chinese licorice root.
Something is wrong because I'm not getting a menstrual neither.
That could be from a number of things. PCOS, lack of progesterone, being underweight, etc.
Someone gave me Citricidal (grapefruit seed extract)
I would not touch grapefruit seed extract. They actually add a synthetic antiseptic to give it some effectiveness, but there are questions as to the safety of the synthetic.
and Black Walnut Hull (picked green in alcohol and distilled water) claiming it will assist me with getting the monocytes levels down. What Do you think about this method? Will it have a negative effect? is it safe? Or a trial and error type thing? :-(
Black walnut hull does have some antiseptic properties primarily due to the iodine content, but there are much better antiseptics. My favorites are chaparral, pau d' arco and andrographis.
Also plan to get the bitter and thermometer tomorrow. Thanks for your assistance will keep you posted after I take my temperature for a week. Thanks again!!!
I should have mentioned water retention too with severe dry mouth no matter how much water I drink my mouth is dry. I have to force myself to drink water bc it seems like water makes me dizzy or Am I tripping?
Not sure why water would make you feel dizzy unless you are messing with your electrolytes. Make sure that you are drinking mineralized water like spring water and not distilled or reverse osmosis water.
One other thing you may want to try is supplementing with potassium. Potassium deficiencies can cause "cotton mouth" no matter how much water you drink. If this does not help then other possibilities such as Sjogren's have to be taken in to consideration. I recommend 99mg of potassium 3 times daily with meals.
I'm anticipating feedback from YOU!!!! Looking forward to what your thinking bc you seem to be helping many on this site. Thank you in advance!!! My personal email is
Just sent you an e-mail so you have my e-mail address.
You can always contact me there too. Shoot I will even give u my cell number. Lol!!!!
Maybe we will talk on the phone one day. Little busy at the moment.