Dear V.
Please stop a moment and ask for God to help you use discernment here and I ask all here to come against the enemies schemes to interfere, in the name of Jesus.
I am glad you agreed to hear this, and I hope that it will be helpful to you, though I don't think you will like it. Please know that we are all wounded and that we all fall short. I am just a witness to this and in no way able to throw any stones. I could lay bare for you my own failings, if we had the time and interest. Perhaps we could all post on the sins we are convicted of. There would not be a single person with nothing to say.
I am making a conscious choice to do this in narrative rather than to speak bluntly. It feels like it is less likely to be misunderstood. I don't think this word is strictly for you, but for anyone who can apply it to there life and that most of us take our eyes off Jesus through one distraction or another. This is certainly a focus of my growth. This is one of those lifetime goals, less distraction, more focus = more opportunities for the manifestation of the life of Jesus through our lives.
I do apologize that this is being done on a public forum. I am respecting your wish that I not PM you. So here's the story and I apologize that it is less than short.
When I got the urge to come onto cure zone, it was because I was brainstorming on places to witness. The
Health Forums on here seemed like a place where people would need God. I am used to being able to help people through my work, and since I am feeling a good bit better, I really got the itch. I was praying about it and seeking the Lord's will. I am not always good at saying what is me and what is God. I think I have probably taken too much credit at times. I have seen recently how things I thought were me turned out to be from him. Other times, it is very clear that an idea or urge is from him.
Once on the site, I noticed the Christian forums. I had just seen a wonderful healing service online and was eager to share. V you'll remember it was a Bill Johnson sermon and you let me know what you think about him, based on his association with the word of faith movement. I felt surprised that so quickly in this new venture resistance had come and that it was from a Christian forum. I understand now why, but at the time, it seemed meaningful and I sought the Lord's will over it. I decided to not reply quickly, but to take some time to allow for the spirit to move.
I had rarely heard of the Word of Faith Movement. I decided to check it out and just allowed myself to spontaneously click navigation buttons following a feeling rather than a logic. Within 4 clicks, I was on a youtube page run by you. I was shocked at the content. So much anger, the comments were... well you know. Then within a few clicks, I was back on Cure zone and reading an old post written by you about your own wounding through a church you attended and the picture got more clear. You were hurt as a kid and you were waging a campaign to get the word out about this preacher, his sins and about false prophets. All of the comments on the Youtube post were past tense, so I assume he is at least retired. But for you the reaction is still preaching. I had no sense of the Lord being in the work on that site. He cleared the temple, he didn't go hunting. He talked about his father, and rarely the enemy in any form.
Now in case your thinking that this is just a coincidence, I tried to find your Youtube page again at a later time, I spent over an hour looking and could not find it. And so you see all that has happened has not been an accident but by our individual covenants with the Lord. We are called to fulfill God's plan, and all kinds of stuff can get in the way.
I thanked the Lord for showing me your hurt so I could respond to that rather than how your comments initially made me feel. I considered whether to reply at all, but felt the Lord would not have shown me your page if I was not to reply at all. Except, maybe he wanted to use me in some way to help you heal/let go of the past. Are we to live our lives out of our hurt? This is a serious question. We can do good out of it, we are all driven by them, but is that God's desire? I have done much that I hope is good out of my own hurt.
But, when we spend a lot of time engaged with this stuff our eyes are not on Jesus, and I am afraid what all this hurt and anger could attract into your life on the spiritual plane. I stand by that sense that God wanted us to meet and for you to know that he sees what your doing, and by example that he sees everything we are all doing. And so, I wrote in hopes that if you saw me, you could see something good in a minister who was associated with the church, and heal from this, to me misplaced, hatred. Before writing, I took the time and considerable patience to read for an hour or so on a variety of websites that are dedicated to making the case against WOF. This was out of respect for you, and your needs.
Jesus did not act like this. I hope you can see why I wanted to pm you. It is hard to get close to people when there is no trust. I failed. I got into my own thing and got off track. You were not exactly an inviting person, and I failed to reach out. I lost site of all I have written and procrastinated. Until you said you were leaving...
I believe in you. I believe that you are more than what i have seen on youtube. I imagine there are other sites that you are posting on, if this isn't a problem, why else would God have shown me it. I believe what you are doing is hurting you, spiritually. I pray that you can take all this to the Lord and receive the healing you are seeking. I am right here in the muck with you. I am so flawed. Please take sometime to sense God's leading and don't just react. Jesus is in the response not the reaction. There is a difference. Telling you all this took trust on my part. You have earned that trust through our interactions which have always been honest and open.
I believe false prophets are all around us. They are the people we put our trust in over our trust in God. They can be a financial advisor, a doctor or medical practice/medicine, a tv personality, a minister, a family member or a polical system/party/personality. Anyone we give too much power and allegiance to. The falseness can be in the position we give rather than in the doctrine. Just as a false God can be our tv. Even in a reaction to the word of faith movement if it causes us to sin routinely. There will be an anti-Christ and he will fool many. But I am far more concerned about missing God's presence, signs and wonders now than I am all that. I am far more concerned about holding each thought captive to discern the spirit behind the thought. Satan comes to tempt us there just as he tempted Christ.
I know that if you believe any of this and if fighting against false prophets has as strong a place in your life as I think it does that your defenses are coming up. I know that your fight against WOF makes you feel safe from everything bad in the church. Absolutely there is evil in the world. As a Christian, it pursues us, trying to pull us away from God's plan. You are right to be protective. But our protection comes in keeping our eyes on Jesus and in trusting in him, not in assigning evil to certain people and raging against them because they have things in common with a man who was abusive. Unfortunately the devil has more access to us than that.
I am sorry this is a public letter. It is not my choice, but the only option. I pray God will use it for the Good of those who love him. That is our strength, in loving him. I honor the courage it took for you to accept my offer, despite your belief that I belong to a deceiver's church.
I will remain available to you for about a week, but will not log on more than once a day. That means I will not be back today. I will pray that you can discern God's will in this matter. He will meet us all at the foot of the cross. If I have spoken wrongly, I pray God convict me of the wrong.