in my opinion and experience, the best and most effective way to keep weight off after a water-only-fast is twofold:
#1. A Nutritarian way of eating, or a low calorie but nutrient-dense diet with..........
#2. Proper food combining as laid down by Shelton/Hay and others. Food combining can seem to be a chore at first but you can soon get into the swing of things and it becomes quite easy and routine after a short while.
Proper food combining coupled with a Nutritarian way of eating will also help you to realize your ideal weight and regardless of how much you eat. Yes you did read that correctly, but I would read that again just to make sure.
Good to know that your joint pain is gone and dry skin patches have disappeared.
Most women will stop menstruating within a short time after the commencement of a fast, where that is used to nourish the body. Your "problem" with your period continuing is entirely down to your work-schedule and how busy you have been (10-12 hour working days). Because the fast is a time of physiological rest, your body would have wanted you to also rest in other ways, and because you haven't been able to, then this is the result; there is little to be concerned about here.
Weakness will always make an appearance after 2 to 3 weeks for most, so this is not unusual by any means and the feeling of "lightheadedness" and that "spacey-feeling" is also quite normal: these are NOT healing crises and you may break your fast if you so desire with no ill-effects but only positive gain.
You may also continue with your fast, but you must heed your bodys warning signals and symptoms, because the symptoms you have described, are those of needing rest and plenty of it.
Please do not push your body too far with your work and other daily duties/chores.
LISTEN to your body: it is your best guide and friend in all matters health, and especially so during the fast.
Take care