Heys guys, I just came back from the endocrinologist, and my test results were; normal FT4, and normal T3, high TSH, it was 6.2, while the "normal" range was araound 0.5 - 4.0. He says I have subclinical hypothyroidism, which has "no symptoms", and it shouldn't be treated. While I told him I have anxiety, brain fog, motor skill loss, pain in the knees, tmj, nervousness, coldness, etc etc etc... He told me it was probably due to stress and lack of exercice. It really pisses me off when the doctors use the "stress" card, it literally means "I have no idea". I do admit that stress can really whack me off, but I doubt my tmj, anxiety, etc etc are all due to stress. Since I've had these symptoms for 10 years!!!
So I'm taking this in my own hands, I really need to educate myself and know wtf is going on with me. Is it candida? Wilson's syndrome? Stress? (lol) So many options...
Some info:
I have all of the above symptoms + extreme mood swings, I find it hard to find a voice tone sometimes, I have a temperature issue, I shake like crazy when I feel cold.
I gotta admit sometimes I have some itching in my rectum. I also have insomnia, for some reason I feel super awake at night and tired at morning, well my sleeping habits are bad. I also have allergies lol...
Anyway thanks in advance :)