I went through the same thing last summer where i thought my candida was under control when all it took is 2 weeks of not eating right for it to comeback almost full force. It takes a long time for the body to get back into balance. Once most of our friendly bacteria has been destoyed its hard to say how long it will take to be 100% again..If again it is even possible to reach 100%
That is one of the most frustating things about candida is it takes a long time to get rid of and can come back in no time if your not careful with your diet and protocol. I think once you can handle anti-fungals with minimal to no die-off is when the probiotics need to used. Then ive heard it can take almost a year just to get your intestines back to being balanced. Then it takes time to detox your body of chemicals/metals and so on to help keep your immune system strong.
Dvorge is right- this diet is miserable because it leaves your blood sugar low all the time. I wake up every day with fatigue and usually have to pound some coconut oil/palm oil just to be able to wake up a little bit. Cant do to much coconut oil though then it makes me tired due to detox/die-off. For me candida seems to love fructose and im pretty much fructose intolerant. A piece of sugar-free sourdough bread gives me no bloating whereas a pear/apple make me feel like im buzzed and bloated. In my case i do better with foods that are higher in insoluble fiber vs soluble fiber. My candida seems to like to ferment foods high in soluble fiber. Wikipedia explains how soluble fiber is much more fermentable than insoluble fiber. Whats interesting is I tested negative for gluten intolerance and rice gives me a lot more problems than wheat . The only thing i can figure out is that wheat is free of fructose/very low in soluble fiber so it doesnt give me problems. But any other grain gives me issues because of its higher soluble/fermentable fiber content. This candida is enough to drive someone crazy.