I'm so sorry that you've experienced this.
He claimed to be recovering from co-dependency and that may be true. But, I would look a little deeper and pay more attention to my personal boundaries. It sounds to me as if you were mirrored, used, and discarded from what you've described. That he won't even return a message or text is not only rude, but it's a screaming, flapping, waving RED FLAG - DANGER! WARNING!!!!
I don't intend to hurt your feelings, but why on earth would you even entertain the notion of spending another second with this guy after his choice of behaviors? And, the excuse that he pre-arranged for his behaviors as being a recovering co-dependant is BS. Set his excuses aside, and ask yourself if anyone should tolerate and excuse such rubbish behavior! Anyone who behaves in such a manner hasn't earned your support or encouragement!!!! I would strongly urge you to walk away, block his number, ignore any messages, and be grateful that he showed his hide for what it is so early in the game! You are a lucky, lucky young lady to have only lost 3 months to this loser!
www.lovefraud.com Learn about people who set up other people, use them, and then discard them as per their own purposes. Also, a very good book to read about these types of predators is titled, "Stalking the Soul." I strongly encourage you to check out the LoveFraud site, as well as do some research on malignant narcissists and sociopathy. I'm afraid that you were zinged by one.
Brightest blessings to you, my dear.