Howdy Beth!
I absolutely LOVE this: Looking for answers and trying to stay positive, and I'm SURE it's 100% true, too!!!
I'm going to 'help you my best' here to put together the pieces with some questions and some 'thinks & thoughts'. Hopefully it'll all come together for the most beneficial healing options and benefits.
The blood tincture is crashing my blood sugar. Can you help me to know what ingredients might be the cause? I can taste that it's sweet. Which herbs are sweet? Can I make another batch omitting what is sweet and still get some blood purifying in me?
What does "crashing your blood sugar" mean to you? specific numbers? symptoms? both? how quickly can it be corrected/balanced? Have you ever tried 1-2 teaspoons of raw brown rice (put in mouth, mix with saliva and let them start to dissolve? This is a old 'home remedy' that can be quite effective, because there's a very slow/low consistent amount of starch ingested that gradually increases blood sugar (less likely to do the 'roller-coaster thing'). Give it a try sometime if you haven't already.
I understand you did a 'trial run' of the Blood DeTox tincture, and I recall symptoms of lymphatic clearing and allergy-like symptoms, but not any report of blood sugar issues. Has this just started or has something changed?
Can you explain how you made your tincture? (bought separate bottles and mixed them, or actually tinctured your own).
:::thinking out loud::: Alcohol made from grapes might have a higher sugar content, but the Ashwagandha tincture you're taking is grape-alcohol based and that didn't cause any blood sugar issues, right? Similar sized dosages?
How much of the Blood DeTox tincture are you taking daily?
I'm not sure how you & your taste-buddies are defining 'sweet' (regarding the various herbs in the tincture), but none of them qualify as 'sweet' to me (and I certainly don't taste any sweetness at all).
If you're going to 'make it again', the one you might leave out is the goldenseal. It can lower blood sugar...but then again, the amount you're getting is not likely to cause anything similar to a "crash".
Also, the liver detox tea crashes my blood sugar. Is it necessary for flushing? I think it's the licorice, which I've experiences crashes from in the past. It's not necessary at all, it's just very beneficial for the urpy-burpy-ness, and for clearing out the toxins that are coming out (both during the 5 day cleanse and after the liver flush).
Finally, I'm concerned about flushing and not eating first thing in the morning. Not eating in the morning? With the 5-day cleanse you're having oil, garlic, ginger & juice of your choice first thing every morning (likely followed by Superfood, and if not juice-fasting on days 2,3,4, you're having breakfast fairly quickly after the morning 'cleanse drink'). When you do the liver flush, there's no reason you're not eating in the morning (just eating low/no fat). When I don't eat right when I get up it makes my blood sugar unstable. I understand, but need to ask if that's 'currently-today' after all the progress you've made, or 'before'? Also, I can't do apple juice. It will definitely crash my blood sugar. Same question -is that a prediction based on past experiences or what has happened 'now'? You don't have to have apple juice, just malic if you want to skip the apple juice, just mix in whatever juice you'd like and get plenty of raw/organic apple cider vinegar in you throughout the day. I'm concerned about citrus because it irritates my bladder and urethra. still? Any chance I could do oil and Ginger at first and get any success from that? Anytime we ingest oil, we trigger the liver to create & release you'll always have some level of success from that :) However, the sour citrus (lemon, lime, grapefruit) also helps trigger the gallbladder to contract - so it's a 'must have' for the full flush. Also, eating low fat makes my blood sugar unstable as well (same question as above) I'm not sure how to approach liver flushing at this point.
Well, there's certainly nothing low-fat about the 5-day liver cleanse or a liver flush. You can add as much olive oil to each morning 'cleanse drink' as you'd like (you don't have to start with just 1T and 'work up' to 5T over 5 days), and as much oil throughout the day as you'd like. The only time we curtail oil ingestion is the day of the liver flush.
After being reminded about my blood sugar issues it brought me back to thoughts of needing to heal my adrenals and pancreas. Can someone send me the recipe for the adrenal tincture? I might try and make some. I'm assuming you're still taking the Ashwagandha regularly and you're sure you're taking enough (up to 6 droppersful several times daily, or up to 3T of powder per day). The Adrenal Tincture is great, but you're likely to get far more relief on the blood sugar issues with the Pancreas Tincture (the formula is in the SNH book which I recall you have, if not, let me know): PANCREAS PANACEA
Here's some information/testimonies on juice-fasting and low blood sugar I think you'll really appreciate (the first is from an MD that juice-fasted with hypoglycemia via Schulze protocols):
Thread: hypoglycemia and liver cleanse at Dr. Schulze Support Forum (ThreadID: 546483)
Liver Cleanse Day 4 - Questions at Dr. Schulze Support Forum (MessageID: 545820)
Thread: Kidney cleanse question at Dr. Schulze Support Forum (ThreadID: 547007)
Tyler: Update on Hypoglycemic doing cleanses at Dr. Schulze Support Forum (MessageID: 545408)
Note: the common thread/success above is because they did, took & drank everything suggested. And don't forget to 'chew your juices' & 'drink your solids' (a HUGE benefit for regulating blood sugar) "Drink your solids and chew your juices":)
Likely a very important aspect of this is that whenever we start decongesting & unclogging an organ or system, we typically have all KINDS of symptoms relating to the compromise of that organ/system. We know how integral the liver is to the balancing & regulating the blood sugar, and you've started cleansing & decongesting your liver - and so we can expect 'liver related issues' to start appearing. Pasted below is part of a reply I started for you a few days ago, but never had a chance to finish
With any cleansing and decongesting issue (take fuel lines on a congested old car, for example)...the lines/tubes are heavily congested inside with only a small 'vein of flow' for the fuel to run through. If a fuel line expert tells us to put in 4/8-12 cups of cleaner daily for 5 days and we put in only 2 (to "test it out"), what we can expect is that the incorrect amount is enough to stir up the congestion (further congesting and compromising the small 'vein of flow'), but not nearly enough to cleanse & decongest the fuel lines...turning the car (that used to be running fairly smoothly, but with a lack of overall 'vitality' and an occasional burp or backfire) into a coughing, sputtering, symptomatic machine. >>> I have alot of phlem, nasal drainage and itchy throat and eyes.<<<
There's a VERY good reason that the more compromised someone is, the more agressive they need to be and the more they need to do at the same time! It is extremely stressful for the body (just like an old car) to partially 'stir things up & into' congested systems and then 'back off' because of various reactions. It would be better to do nothing at all than to make things worse.
I think one of the things that angers me the most (make that 'infuriates' even...certainly not at you, but in general), is how modern & alternative medicine have conditioned us to believe that 'treatment & healing' is somehow supposed to be non-eventful...and particularly with adrenal issues, how that ANY reaction that's perceived as negative is going to cause/precede a "crash". When we're undoing the compromise of years (decades, even a lifetime), it should be expected to have a LOT of symptomatic days full of all kinds of random discomfort & vague. This is EVIDENCE an herb or protocol is doing what it's supposed to be doing. We just need to do what we should do to support the process (and make SURE our body is getting enough easily-assimilated fuel/nutrition along with it).
So, since we know that compromised/congested liver = hypoglycemia Liver Detox and Hypoglycemia 2011 ...and we know that you're actively stirring up all kinds of things in your liver & maybe killing flukes (which can definitely impact 'flow' and cause even more 'liver symptoms' (temporary)...then we understand that 'some level' of the hypoglycemia symptoms may very well be related.
Looking for answers and trying to stay positive,... do your best to follow the protocol & flush/cleanse instructions 'as written & prescribed' - quick summary: 4-6T of Superfood daily; 2T of bee pollen (if tolerated); at least 1 quart of fresh juice daily; CE daily; plenty of vegan goodies & fats; virtually no meat or dairy/eggs - except dairy kefir (I assume you've weaned down substantially or have completely eliminated those by now)....and of course, NO synthetic or isolated 'supplements'. Be sure to 'chew juices' and 'liquify solids''; Earthing & barefooting whenever possible; hot/cold (or warm/cool for starters) showers daily, and of course all the other healing treats whenever possible - deep breathing; EFT; meditation; sunlight, reflexology, etc.
You CAN do it, Beth! Your best path is the tried & true one :) We're all cheering for you!!!