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Liver Cleanse Day 4 - Questions

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Cleanse the Liver in 9 Days
Feel great again!

lauren40 Views: 1,167
Published: 20 y

Liver Cleanse Day 4 - Questions

I am so thrilled to say that I made it through day 3 with flying colors. I must say I am SHOCKED that I made it through the past 2 days without eating solid food. I still feel fine this morning. You have no idea how big this is for me as I have had hypoglycemia for the past 20 years and always end up with a massive migraine if I skip a meal. I know how to read my body when I start getting a fuzzy head, weak, VERY crabby and that strong sensation in my stomach begging for food. I had it quite a bit on day 1 of the fast and a little bit yesterday, but was able to make it through without slipping into a hypoglycemia episode. Do you think this huge breakthrough is a result of this 30 day detox? If so, how is it stabilizing my blood Sugar and/or pancreas?

I am also thrilled that I have not had any migraines while on this cleanse. They haunt me as I usually get them so often. Before starting my cleansing journey a year ago, I used to get migraines 2-3 times per week. Since cleansing, I now only get them around 2-3 times per month. This is a huge improvement. How does cleansing reduce the amount of migraines? I want to know whatever it is so I know to keep doing it on a regular basis!

I must say I am feeling a bit itchy all over since yesterday - especially on my legs from my knees to my ankle. My back is really itchy also. I am not sure what that is all about.

Feeling good is SO addictive and I want to experience it as often as possible. God bless Dr. Schulze for creating this cleanse. I already feel 70% better and I am only on week two of this four week cleanse.


I am so thrilled to say that I made it through day 3 with flying colors. I must say I am SHOCKED that I made it through the past 2 days without eating solid food. I still feel fine this morning. You have no idea how big this is for me as I have had hypoglycemia for the past 20 years and always end up with a massive migraine if I skip a meal. I know how to read my body when I start getting a fuzzy head, weak, VERY crabby and that strong sensation in my stomach begging for food. I had it quite a bit on day 1 of the fast and a little bit yesterday, but was able to make it through without slipping into a hypoglycemia episode. Do you think this huge breakthrough is a result of this 30 day detox? If so, how is it stabilizing my blood Sugar and/or pancreas?

I am also thrilled that I have not had any migraines while on this cleanse. They haunt me as I usually get them so often. Before starting my cleansing journey a year ago, I used to get migraines 2-3 times per week. Since cleansing, I now only get them around 2-3 times per month. This is a huge improvement. How does cleansing reduce the amount of migraines? I want to know whatever it is so I know to keep doing it on a regular basis!

Feeling good is SO addictive and I want to experience it as often as possible. God bless Dr. Schulze for creating this cleanse. I already feel 70% better and I am only on week two of this four week cleanse.



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