i want to say i'm so fu#$ing done with everything. I'm so sick of dealing with all this and no one having answers.
I feel so depressed. For one , i posted in another thread i'm weaning off of zoloft, i've been taking .25 the last few days just to get me by until i speak to chiro or my compound pharmacist who is treating my AF. I want to know what pharmacst recommends i do , take.
I'm also sleep deprived right now. We were at neighbors till about 1115pm last night with our 4-year-old i was sure having him go to bed after 11pm he would sleep in. Ugh yeah, NO. it was 730am when i was woken from a not so deep sleep of him screaming his bed was wet. He peed his bed last night, literally a flood of pee in his bed. There was puddles on the floor near his bed?!? funny part, well actually nothing is funny right now, NOTHING... but his pull up wasn't full, so i have no clue what the he ll happened, but after that episode he didn't go back to sleep , so here i am up with him. I didn't get to sleep till after 1am and was unable to sleep all night, even with .5 of lorazapam. I'm tired, im depressed, i'm worn out , i'm fat... which brings me to to my next issue, why the f uc k can't i lose weight? i went on a high protein/low card/low glycemic diet and i lost no weight (nor are my clothes fitting me any looser) over a three week period. When pharmacist put me on this diet, or not diet, but he put me on a low glycemic smoothie, he was positive i would lose weight. Why am i not? why can't i lose weight? why has weight watchers always worked for me, but wont anymore??? i exercise , i eat right and nothing. I can't stand it.
and to top everything off i have a pinched nerve in my mother ef'er shoulder blade. I just want to roll up in a ball and cry, but it's father's day, so i can't roll up in a ball or cry. So i push myself through like every other day...
my period is also late, it usually comes at day 25 and i don;t know what day it is , but it's not 25, it's probably day 29. I think i ef'ed up my cycle by increasing my progesterone to 200 mg's in the middle of my cycle.
oh and i almost forgot, how could i forget that i've had a sinus infection for pretty much a month. how could i forget such a small annoyance, please insert sarcam here, if you don't you wont get it;) i was trying to avoid the
Antibiotic route. Oh and also that i pretty much say i get chronic sinus infections, it seems every month i have one... fml right now. I hate that saying hate it, yet it seems so appropriate.