>>>1. Do i really need Ornithine? not many people speak of flushing with it here.<<<
the ornithine is used to counteract the ammonia that
parasites give off when you are killing them, so if your not taking herbs to kill them, then its not necessary. I tried using it and it never did anything for me anyway
>>>>2. From what i've read, i'd rather just ease into the
Epsom Salts intake. Say 2-3 tablespoons max. Is this good enough to get the a good
Liver-Flush going?<<<
From my experience, if 2 tablespoons is enough to loosen the stools thats plenty, epsom is used for 2 different reasons, one is to relax the bile ducts, the other is to stimulate the bowels to get the toxins out as fast as possible. If 2 tablespoon is enough too loosen your stools i would use that, 2 tablespoon is enough to relax the bile ducts.
>>>>3. How close to her method do i have to stay timing-wise. I've read that others just fast with apple juice then down some tablespoons of ES and that's it? :s<<<<
i dont think the timing is crucial, ive veered from her schedule slightly and have had successful flushes. I personally have never fasted for a flush (other than supper.......not eating after two) and have had successful flushes. I dont think fasting is necessary. At least in my case it wasnt