I am about to give up the fight.
I am pretty sure I am done after tonight.
I just realized I have been fighting the NWO and defending people like Alex Jones for years and so far very few are truly listening to the message. The message is that America is about to lose its status as the only free country left in the world.
I am tired of fighting through the keyboard and in every day life when so few people will listen. I am tired of hearing half-awake arguments by people who never studied history to know what their great, great grandparents did to make this nation so great so they could live in this incredible free country. They are all taking it for granted. Most young people have no idea what they are about to lose and it is happening very fast. Our freedoms are disappearing daily and only a few are aware of this.
If this is what this country has come to...an ugly cess pool of ignorance and decadence, then I am happy to watch it implode. I don't want to live in a world that is so blind.
I would rather enjoy the last few good months with my family that I have rather than fight the greedy paid NWO shills and ignorant people that refuse to research what is truly going on.
I am tired of trying to convince blind people the purpose of seeing.