Hi shroom...
I'm gald you figured it out.
I hope the stool test turns up something. I just recently played the stool test game again for the umteenth time. As expected....nada. But I take tetracycline all the time. What do they expect? The doc that I was seeing was just a family practitioner. I told him that doing a stool test while on
Antibiotics and herbs would be pointless. They don't know how it works and they don't care to find out. I cannot stop tetracycline because I take a nose-dive when I do.
Is fluke something that you had before or do you think it's new? How do you think you may have gotten it...if you have it?
Yesterday I read a website that was posted on the
parasite forum that was written by Dr. Vasquez. It was very interesting. He is very thorough and explains how they think the
parasites or bacterial dysbiosis plays with our immunity.
No matter what I read....it always comes back to the same thing that is my problem...Entamoeba histolytica. But I cannot make the doctors see it. They aren't going to take the time to look at the information even if I bring it to them. It's exasperating. Something that Dr. Vasquez said regarding E.h. made me say...yep.
For one thing he talks about E.histolytica destroying the secretory IgA. Mine was tested and was almost non-existant. The test they did years ago is no longer permitted in NY. NY is the strictest state in the US when it comes to banning tests. Just my luck. I can no longer do the saliva antigen test for E.h. Diagnos-techs just throws my specimen away because I live in NY!
One very interesting thing I that Dr. asquez mentions is protein-losing enteropathy. This is obviously what I have. No matter how much I eat I cannot gain weight and the muscles in my body are all shriveled. The doctors are unconcerned! No one has ever given it a name. I would think that the doctors would be aghast and wanting to help immediately. The unfortunate thing is that in order to cure it, I have to get rid of the parasite. This does not surprise me however, since anytime I took a drug that knocked the E.h. down, I gained weight in leaps and bounds. Doesn't that tell these doctors that E.h. is the problem? But ever since I had the CT scan in 2004 I cannot return to my normal weight. Except once when Dr. Galland prescribed Alinia and I took it in conjunction with the tetracycline. It worked only once. The E.h. seems to be so virulent at this point that it mutates rapidly. This is only sine the CT scan. Dr. Vasques talks about chemicals depressing the immune system. That contrast dye for the CT scan did me in. I also think the lab tech made a mistake and gave me too much. He thought he was giving me barium. I believed him. I don't know what did me in...the dye or the intense radiation. Possibly it was both.
Oh there was one other time that something worked since the CT scan and it was accidental that I discovered it. I began taking Tagamet. I was also taking tetracycline at the same time. The reason I think it was working was because E.h. thrives on the histamine that the body creates to fight it. Since Tagamet is an H2 blocker, not having the histamine component and using the tetracycline against it, made it weak. That's my theory. Unfortunately, it was not to last. Either the E.h. found a way around it or the histamine blocker was no longer helpful because the receptor sites were for the H2 blocker were used up.
A worthy note about Tagamet. While there are other H2 blockers out there like Pepcid and Zantac, Tagamet is different. Tagamet is Cimitidine. There is something about Cimetidine that is helpful in many ways. You might want to research it. Many studies have been done on it. I think it helps with the immune system. It helps cure cancer. Many oncologists do not tell their patients according to an article in Life Extension and they are perplexed! But studies have found that if the patient is given Cimetitdine before chemo and then they stay on it for an extended period of time afterwards,the people taking the Cimeitine have a longer life expectancy compared to the control groups. So I wonder if the positive effects that I experienced while taking Tagamet and tetracycline had other components besides the histamine blocking? And would Tagamet help others with different parasites? It's worth looking into. Funny thing was that you shouldn't take antacids at the same time you take tetracycline, but it worked just the same.
A word of caution about Tagamet. There are some drugs that are contra-indicated with it. One of them is Metronidazole. It increases the amount in the bloodstream. So one has to be careful when taking it together with other anti-parasitics and be sure it's okay.