Sad but true...
Knowledge without a true understanding is a waste of both time and effort!
Yet billions of people are discouraged or misdirected everyday by Satan! Plus millions more know of the Grace and Blessings of God yet never gain them because of unbelief or the false premise that they must earn them (It)! So they are robbed because they do not fell they deserve the Blessings of God!
The Truth is that if you will seek the Lord Jesus {Yeshua} to be the Lord of your life; then you will be saved; and then through prayer you can know the Truth! God is Love! Romans 10: 8 - 9
Such a shame that so many are deceived or blinded by most of the religious and secular popular mass media today... They do not know where to find the truth when it is right before them!
Well you are correct; first a person should have the desire in order to " Knock"...
Unfortunately some people do not realize that " non effect action " can lead to failure, and can have just as many problems as seeking or finding, it just a matter of choice...
It is too bad many do not realize that no choice is a choice!
We all have regent(s)...
Yes, no decision is a decision!
You have a body that follows your five senses, sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch; yet these alone will not bring you to a saving grace with God! Then you have your your soul or life force, including your emotions which can either be positive or negative, but will not directly connect you to God, my friend!
Then there is the third part of you; your Eternal Spirit; which once you humble yourself and come to accept God's Grace will allow you to come to Faith In the Lord Jesus! This is where you will reach inside yourself to find God!
If you can find the book which helped me to see God in my life:
In the Heroes of the Faith series
John Newton Author of Amazing Grace by Anne Sandberg, Barbour Books
Almost everyone has heard or knows the First verse:
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.
Read it and may it help Bless you so you can unite your spirit with God!
Well, dear friend there are many things in this earthly life which we will not know, but one thing is a fact; is unless you recognize what ever, you will never really know it completely!
People (you) have to first conceive of or come to know about a thing before understanding is brought forth!
Therefore in order to knock on a door, you must first find it and then knock with the desire to enter in! So the answer is first seek the truth from the source or Word of God in your life, then through Faith, use the Truth to guide you to which ever door you must pass!
We all have opportunities to choose, it is through our trust or faith based upon the Word of God {Truth} that we make our path true! We each must find, decide {choose} which path we will follow! Just seek the right door to knock on, friend!
God is the source of all Love!
A door is symbolic of a change or entrance into another {different} environment or sphere; which will allow for a change in your {or who ever knocks} eternal life... When used as a metophor for acceptence of Yeshua Jesus in your life, then when you respond to His inventation with a knock {inquiry} you can come into His presence!
Have you been able to realize that you must make your decision about where you will spend Eternity?
If you still need some guidance let me know... May God Bless your efforts...
Well you are correct in that some people do not really want to know the truth!