Hi Everyone,
I've got so much wonderful information and help from reading topics on here for my own health and I'm hoping someone can give me ideas for my friend.
My friend has problems and I don't even know where to start as far as guiding him to something helpful.
He was fed rice only from the ages of 2-8 years old. After that he was fed rice 5 days a week and given occasional things like miso soup and sushi made without fish until the age of about 15.
I don't know whether this has a lot to do with his current issues or not...and I also don't know how he can heal his current condition.
He is in his thirties and here is the list of symptoms:
He has delicate bones and breaks bones very easily.
Severe depression
vivid nightmares
high blood pressure
acid reflux
PTSD like symptoms, startles very easily, panics easily and body goes into fight or flight response
I'm looking for ideas on supplements or a protocol that would be helpful...or information that I could be looking into? I just don't even know where to start with it.
Is there a way to strengthen adult bones?