The toxins are in the body, the sinuses, the lungs, liver, everywhere... You have to cleanse your body to get rid of them. Start doing sinus washes with the neti pot which contains 2 cups warm water, 1/2 tsp.
Sea Salt , 1 tsp. epson salts, and 1 tsp. 3% hydrogen peroxide.
Get a oil diffuser and diffuse oils into the air, thieves, oregano, eucalyptus, lemongrass, etc. one hundred percent pure ones only! Get an air purifier, uv light and hepa with ozone if you can find one...may check ebay or amazon.
Take oregano oil internally daily 3 times a day...make sure it says 100% pure, Now has a great one on Iherb. ADd a few drops to your detox bath of 2 cups epson salts, one
quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide. Do a cold shower afterwards...before getting out of hot water dunk head under but not eyes...
Take yucca internally too for yeast. Take kelp in large amounts to pull out toxins. Take diatomaceous earth to remineralize and pull out toxins. Take acv to help with reduced stomach acid levels with meals 2 T. in 1/2 glass or more of water...add raw honey if you got it! Take many probiotics/fermented foods...Now Probiotic Defense is a good one, triple doses.
Mouth rinse with oregano oil, one drop, in 1/2 cup of water several times daily, gargle back holding head back for a few minutes and then down...
Keep windows open in house as much as possible, get borax, 20 Mule in detergent isle of walmart and clean mold with it...other surfaces to keep it at bay...and pour hydrogen peroxide down drains once week....and clean with it too... Also use borax in washing clothes...