I am fine now.
I believe what happened is the
Liver Flush without doing the
parasite cleanse sent some major bacteria into my kidneys. Also, the
Epsom Salts dehydrated me causing some stones to develop or exacerbating a prior condition.
I think my kidneys developed a cystic condition. I used Hulda's kidney failure recommendations and the oil of oregano shut down any infection and lowered my bun/creatine levels and the swelling stopped. I also drank a TON of parsley water.
Then, when I finally got my tea, it started to dissolve the stones and stirred up some bacteria.
I downed a bunch of apple cider vinegar throughout that day that there was blood in my urine and it cleared up.
My kidney's are totally back on par now. If I do start to feel a twinge of infection or burning (usually when I have a meal that raises my pH), I drink a bit of apple cider vinegar and the sensation goes away.
So that's my update! Thanks everyone for your support.