I think they are viewing this from their perspective, which, as you know, is obscured (by indoctrination and disinformation ),to say the least. The eating thing is always suggested as a means to 'keep up one's strength'.
( And yet look at the junk they serve in hospitals.) That's so the drugs and poisons they then visit on the "patient" don't kill them. or so it goes. The fact is, she does need to have good nutrient stores to get through the cancer, and to reverse it. As well as survive the MDs. But the white sugar is mystifying. Sounds almost demonic, as the cancer is sure to 'love it'. Then again, MDs (it's said) get only about 20 hours of actual nutritional training, so maybe they are plain ignorant. Either way, it's a wake up call! She should look into this sugar Rx.)
Maybe they are concerned the tumor might shrink too much, otherwise, and they might be embarrassed to NOT
find it? These things do often go away
on their own..."undocumented" or not.
who knows. Utter insanity.
Fasting has its place, but she might be best to go hardcore into juicing and such. And avoid all other stuff. And then water fast. (Juicing would build up her stores in a way that is superior to all regular food. And supplements!) ( Might look into the "incurables program". Maybe you could interest her in watching the Dr Schulze series. Look for the link on the Natural Healing forum. It's a fabulous series. Do what you can, to inform her enough that she doesn't rush into the hospital scene. You can inspire, but you can't force her... just love, if all else fails. And even if it doesn't --fail!)
If your Mum buys what the doctors are saying, maybe they are just humoring her with the coffee tea and sugar business because it's what SHE wants. ( That's what the sometimes claim they do... )
prayers and best, C