Ihatemirena- So sorry to hear you aren't feeling like yourself yet. Hang in there, eventually it has to get better! Did you do anything post removal like see a naturopath, take hormones etc.? I'm just wondering because I know some women on here mention doing this...im leaning towards seeing a naturopath for vitamin deficiency; I'll do whatver it takes to feel healthy again.
cyntheal- ive had back pain for about 2yrs, started around the time my periods stopped (3yrs after mirena was put in). The last few months have been the worst though. I get pains on my upper right side beside where my shoulder blade starts. Its on and off, sometimes on for days at a time. Some days when its just a throbbing ache i get sore and inflamed on my chest at top of my right breast, same side as back pain. Back pain is often accompanied by numbness in my right arm down to my elbow and from elbow to my fingers it feels heavy and tingly. Really hard to drive or pick up things when this happens. About a week & half ago my back hurt so bad even lying down didnt help. The pain went right around to my underarm. I got scared and went to ER but after waiting 10hrs they told me it would still be hrs until i was seen as i was classed as non urgent!! So i went home!
Before the pains in my back i used to get neckaches...i call them neck-migraines because as a migraine sufferer thats exactly what they felt like but in my neck. When i would get one i felt like puking from the pain and couldnt do anything let alone take care of my kids. They seem to have dissapeared and been replaced with back pain. What is yours like?
Diana- What is D-Mannose exactly? Ive neer heard of it before! I hope its available in Canada! My 5 yr old had a Uti in february about a week before i had one....the doctor i saw for mine said this was only a coincidence that they are not contagious...??
Molly- Hmm not so sure if I should use progesterone cream post removal then.Having uti's is bloody annoying. It doesnt burn i just constantly feel like peeing.The day before leaving for vacation to Mexico last feb. I took a pregnancy test cuz i was peeing way more then usual, came out negative so i flew to nearest clinic and sure enough i tested pos+ for uti. The doc gave me meds for 3 days once a day.only cuz they make u very sensitive to sun and alcohol can lessen effects of pills. What a way to start my vacation, wearing 60 spf and drinking water lol now im on them for 7 days twice a day.Maybe it came back because of such a low dose first time?
My removal date is April 18! I think I should find me a naturopath to see the week following removal. Im curious to know howmuch they charge...healthcare in Canada is amazing & free but a naturopath would not be covered!
I'm so happy to have support from all you ladies! Its very reassuring to know you're not alone isnt it?! I wish you all a speedy recovery! As for any ladies who have yet to make apt to have Mirena removed, what are you waiting for? Make an appointment asap! Ive read here that there are some women who get pregnant and then have to risk taking it out or leaving device in....dont wait for this to happen to u!