There is a difference, I guess, in posting links to sites and blogs that sell the meds directly and posting links to blogs that only have adsense or Amazon links. ICU doesn't tell you to buy at any certain place in her protocols, she just gives you links to where you can buy them.
ICU posts links to sites that sell the meds directly and strongly recommends people buy from those sites. And aren't some of those links affiliate links? I noticed some of them have the code trk=id in them. Isn't that an affiliate tracking code? I'm not 100% sure which is why i'm asking.
You, on the other hand, post research on a site where you openly sell the meds. I guess they see it as you saying "Here's the research about what to take, and you can buy it right here." It would be like Bayer posting research on how aspiring treats headaches better than anything...and oh, btw, WE SELL ASPIRIN! How convenient is that?
One of your blog posts on your site is titled "How to Use Coconut Oil for Eye, Ear and Sinus Infections and Parasites". You offer two coconut oil products through Amazaon.com's affiliate system on your site. Same same in my opinion.
You know, Dr. Mercola did not sell a thing on his site for years. He only posted information. People started to trust him, THEN he started introducing products. Smart man.
Two people on this forum have already verified that they have received the packages I have sent them. They have said the medications arrived well packaged. One said it arrived days earlier than expected, the other said it arrived within the expected timeframe. They have both said they appreciate the fact I communicate with them so much through this forum and through e-mail.
I'm sure Dr. Mercola is a smart man. He's not the only one though.
But I don't want to get into another back and forth like the one I did with Herne. It's not productive and doesn't help anybody here. So I've said what I have to say and my opinions aren't going to change. Go ahead and say what you want to say, and then let's be done with it and get back to what really matters, sharing information that will help people get better.