I read the site you were talking about, with regard to water poisoning. Water poisoning is like pie-eating contests. (At first I thought you were alluding to the likelihood of drinking radioactive water, or some such, given current events...)
re: the "book"/site.
Everyone believes they have to market something unique to make their mark on the 'net. To have some 'special message', so to speak. The idea, as T2 says, of the quickfast (forget the name of the site)is appealing to this attention-deficit-disorder'd and *sock-puppeted WorldWideWebbed society.
*Google Pentagon and "sock-puppet software" to see why some people, like several core members of this forum, feel called to maintain an integrity of purpose and a unity of foundational understandings vis a vis the whole
Water Fasting process. Read, it is alarming to see how often this forum presents like the fasting for weight loss forum. But this is not your issue, I think.
what I mean is, people used to read more of the older fasting literature; study and consider it; now it seems many come with no preparation, or with the idea this is a social club where anything goes, and the newer the better.
This idea of 'water poisoning' is more of the realm 'out there', in pie-eating land. :-) No offense to anyone.
I hope that doesn't sound too much like a political speech.
If you read about the sock-puppet spying much will be clear.
The bottom line is still as it has been, "drink water according to thirst". That's a good foundation. How you interpret that will teach you (anyone) how your (their)body is currently functioning, as well as much about your perceptions, beliefs--and past conditionings. Most us us have been living the SAD life (more than just diet, but the bigger picture) for some years, and are largely exiled from our own inner guidance, and our 'God-given' connection to what is true. (choose your own word. The thing is, it IS given. One only has to ask, in authentic willingness to know.)
Flooding such a body with too much water is a form of the usual thing that everyone is always doing ordinarily: it's force, plain and simple, and worse--it's compensation for
an excess of the other: of constipation, overconsumption, and so on. Such thinking/action is all about:
*adrenal exhaustion, (which most people are suffering to some degree),
*the western societal-imposed 'need for speed', and
* the conditioned (read brainwashed) march toward becoming dependable consumers of whatever is coming down the allopathic pipe.
What's interesting is that a person can be following "natural ways", and still be an unwitting slave to the allopathic drugs-and-manangement model of how to live; it's just that it comes in a new guise.
There's so much more that could be said about this water issue--One could literally go on forever, mainly because it's such a good extended metaphor for so much of what's going on.
My sincere advice, based on my experience and all my studying of the old fasting literature, as well as the last ten years or so of serious health and healing research is this:
if you normally drink half your body weight, this is probably what your average person NEEDS, in order to provide enough liquid to keep the waste/junk moving, given that the usual diet is hardly a plant-based largely raw diet.
So, if you do that normally, and eliminate once a day for each meal you consume, then "water according to thirst" during a
Water Fast is a good thing. Even is that thrist disappears for a time.
Only you know for sure the state of your own body. And once you take away food, and all ideas of having to micromanage the water fast, (which is a symptom of regressive allopathic-thinking) you will be able to all the better tune in to the body's actual messages for water. *It* will ask, and -You being good to yourself- it shall be given. simple, eh?
wish I could learn to be more concise. :-)
all the best. Go within!