Perhaps the coffee goes through the transverse colon, perhaps not. That isn't the point.
The point is that the liquids are absorbed in a highly permeable hemmoroidal plexus and taken through various veins, capillaries, ect. back to the liver.
Since all of the blood in the body passes through the liver every 3 minutes, and the
coffee enema is held for at least 15 minutes, this allows ample time for the healing substances in coffee to directly contact the liver.
There the beneficial compounds in the coffee such as kahweol, cafestol palmitate, theophylline, theobromine, and possibly even caffeine itself dilate blood vessels, counter gut inflammation, enhance the glutathione detoxification enzyme system, increase bile production, and also stiumlates the parasympathetic nervous system to increase peristalsis and remove the toxic substances.
coffee enema represents a kind of dialysis of blood across the gut wall.
Therefore it has a very different mechanism than the one you think it does.