LLB and IF#1 have basically the same action, however IF#1 proves to be more effective for most people. Dr. Christopher formulated LBB, then Dr. Schulze (his student) took it 'up a step' to make up for the difference between the compromise levels in the 40's-70's (Dr. Christopher) to his patients (through the 90's).
There is a strong correlation between colon & liver health, as the colon presses against the liver & gallbladder. When the colon is compromised & congested (evidenced by less than 3-5 normal bowel movements daily), it's virtually impossible to have 100% liver function. Of course, since bile is our natural IF#1, it's also impossible to have 100% colon health without the liver functioning properly. So what you're doing/considering (working on the liver simultaneously with the colon) IS optimal. Be sure to check out the information (in the middle) of this post: http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1745851#i (more on the liver below)
Using LBB alone, Dr. Christopher found it took much longer than a few months to cleanse & restore the colon. Most people(especially those with a history of constipation) would be looking at least a year (maybe several) with only the use of LBB. We're all undoing a full lifetime of intestinal compromise (that started, for some of us at birth if we weren't breast fed, and for all when switched to solid foods unless our parents gave us a truly/normal healthy diet free of dead, mucous-forming foods).
I just saw that you posted on another forum regarding P&B, and with a prolapsed transverse colon. I *strongly* recommend against P&B shakes. The bentonite is very 'heavy' and can be impacting & clogging for people that have higher levels of compromise (diverticulitis/osis, prolapse, etc). Dr. Schulze formulated IF#2 for deep cleansing & healing of the colon, and it is MUCH safer and more effective! About IF#2
IF#2 has both psyllium and bentonite, but it also has Flax seed, Slippery Elm, Apple Pectin, Marshmallow Root, Peppermint & Activated Charcoal...all of which combine to provide more efficient detoxification, restoration AND soothing healing & cleansing than the heavier/harsher P&B shakes.
One of the worst (and most discouraging, most compromising and most 'make you feel like a dog') mistakes I see people making is trying to cleanse the colon by just using cathartic herbs (like LBB or IF#1, or other herbs like Triphala), without using a deep colon cleanser and healer that will move smoothly & quickly through the digestive tract and colon). P&B (because of bentonite) does adsorb toxins, but it can easily cause clogs that are difficult to 'break through' and it's very harsh. There's never any need to compromise our body when healing and cleansing it!
Knowing that the colon has been compromised, swollen, impacted for long enough for it to prolapse (and with your report of eyes becoming yellow), you can likely assume it's going to take a LOT more to decongest and restore your liver than castor oil packs and a tincture. So once you get on a good regime that ensures 3 healthy bms daily, my suggestion would be to start getting ready to do a series of liver flushes. It's always preferable to prepare your liver for liver flushing - I always suggest (at the minimum) to do a 5-day gentle liver cleanse before each of your first few flushes. You can read all about that here:
[FAQ] Healing Cleanse: Liver/Gallbladder: Working File Thread
Regarding this >>>Dr chi's liver chi and reishi spore extract <<< I see nothing on the website about these herbs being certified organic (or even grown without chemicals). If you feel you've gotten benefits, I'm sure you have gotten benefits. However, Dr. Schulzes Liver/GB tincture has a lot more/different benefits liver-wise. (there's info about that in the link above).
If I were reporting your issues, here's what I'd do (and what I'd expect):
--IF#1/IF#2 ...30 day cycles for several months (I would juice fast for at least one of those months, maybe two of them).
--During these cleanses, a full parasite cleanse (including at least a month or two of using herbs you can mix in WITH the IF#2...read in the original links Water offered you regarding parasite cleansing to understand why).
--Diet ...eliminate meat & dairy (except for dairy kefir - kefir is much preferable to 'probiotic capsules'). Both meat & unfermented dairy contain zero fiber and are mucous forming - they work strongly against us when cleansing & restoring our colon...as does flour of all kinds (even whole grain flour, bread & pasta). Mix whole wheat flour with water and you still get wallpaper paste (not what you need for cleansing & restoring the colon). Dr. Christopher was strong in teaching us to only eat grains in their wholesome (life giving) form,,,whole and alive (as in soak-sprouted and low cooked or sprouted).
--Make sure you've having around a gallon of pure water daily (distilled or R/O filtered)
--Once 2-3 bms daily are achieved, start being more aggressive with the liver...5-day cleanses followed by a liver flush 2x monthly for starters, then a liver flush every 2 weeks (or more frequently if needed); daily coffee enemas (benefits the liver and strengthens the colon because a coffee enema induces peristalsis). The Liver/GB tincture can be taken in therapueutic amounts when not doing the 5-day cleanse...AND it can be used as 'tongue bitters' (bitter taste on the tongue stimulates bile production and flow). A 2 oz bottle used as tongue bitters (around 5 drops 5x daily) will last for a couple of months. And of course (you already know)...castor oil packs are VERY beneficial to liver (and I'd be alternating them to the transverse colon area...or doing a full torso pack over both areas nightly).
What I would expect?
--To have random days/weeks of being gassy and generally 'urpy burpy'.
--To work for several months to decongest and rid the colon of mucoid plaque before applying therapies to restore the prolapse,,,although supporting the restoration of the prolapse during the cleansing process is a VERY good thing (castor oil packs, foot reflexology and hot/cold contrast therapy)
What do I suggest?
All of the above, plus remembering 45+ years of compromise (at this stage of the game) isn't likely going to be removed & restored in 'a few months' (although substantial progress can be made in that time). Dr. Christopher commonly reported it taking several years of correct diet and LBB to restore the colon. Oh yes, anytime you could thrown in a few colonics and high enemas you'd be strongly 'moving ahead' :)
Healthiest of blessings,