I had this a very often.
Andreas Moritz told me to have a
colonic before the flush (and after each(!!) flush). If the colon isn't clean enough, the body tries to protect himself from a further detoxification (which a
Liver Flush would produce) by vomitting out the mixture. I wish I had known this already before all of my harsh flushing experiences, because it really really helped a lot. The flush with the
colonic before was the easiest I ever did, and it was already the 12 th. Before the colonic, I vomited during several flushes, or was awake the whole night, trying not to vomit. I tried a lot. Much pillows - I nearly was sitting in my bed, peppermint after drinking the mixture. Nothing worked really. After my last flush, i was really exhausted ('cause it produced a nice amount of stones ;-) ), but then i had a
colonic the next morning, and after that i felt really good.
Hope this helps. Blessings