It is mostly mucus which is one of the first things that appears during a cleanse normally.
parasites love it. I kind of think I see a worm. That thin thing in the middle could possibly a pin/hookworm? I'd watch your BM over the next few releases for hair thin white worms about a
inch long. They are usually wrapped in poop. After a while you should stop seeing the mucus. I would avoid dairy for a little while because that is normally what creates it and it just enable the critters to stay in your track longer.
Spanish Black Raddish is also good at getting mucus out as well and it helps detox. You also might want to consider
Bentonite clay if you are on that. I had mucus looking stuff about a week back and I got confused because I thought I was done with that phase and then realized it was the
Bentonite clay from the day before.