I’m seeking advice on
Liver Flushes and general well-being.
I’ve done Dr Clark’s
Liver Flush 5 times now this year (since Christmas 2005, and the last one is today). I’m also currently doing the
Clarkia tincture
parasite cleaning (I’m on the second 2-weeks period) and I’ve been zapping about 2-3 times a week for 3 weeks now (with the 10$ zapper).
I’ve only seen floating stones in my last and 4th and 5th flush, and they were pea size, bright green. Note : My 4th flush was the first one since I’ve begun the
Clarkia treatment and the zapping.
I’m feeling pretty strong headaches since about November 2005.
What I’ve done then is that I had 6 «
colonics » or « enema », I don’t know how to call them. It’s a
colonics specialist that gave those treatments to me with a machine and water that is inserted through my rear end. She told me that my liver is pretty full of bad things, basing her thoughts primarily on the quantity of dark yellow bile that is going out via the
colonics into the tube.
My headaches are concentrated on both cheeks and the frontal area, which become very red (kind of like if I had just run 3 miles without rest). They are worse after a shower and after physical effort. The « redness » even goes under my hair on my head. After a shower, my face looks like it suffered a summer sun burn, but my tan never gets brown after that…
My therapist (that gave me the colonics) told me, with her acupuncture background (15 years practice), that it seems to be my gall bladder that is causing my headaches because my headaches are on the points of the gall bladder meridian. If I do a gentle massage on the red parts, sometimes I have to go to the toilet, because a lot of “gases” are coming out.
I’m also feeling weaker because of this pain, and my memory is also affected. I’m a computer programmer and lately I have a hard time concentrating on my work. I often have to make an effort to remember simple things
I have had those headaches for many years now, but it’s worse since the colonics. In 1999, I’ve done a variant of the Dr. Clark’s
Liver Flush about 15 times (each 2 weeks for many months) and a lot of green stones came out then (I was not aware what it might be at the time). I’ve stopped and decided to do those
Liver Flushes again at Christmas 2005.
In between 1999 and 2005, I never felt very well. I’ve consulted many specialists, done yoga and stretching (and still do), body building (and also still do). I exercised regularly, but always got those headaches at varying intensity. It takes away enjoyment of life altogether.
At the time, in January 1999, before I began the flushes, I was not able to eat basic things like butter or tomato spaghetti sauce without feeling bad and having to go to bed and feeling aggressiveness. I felt this was NOT normal at 20 years old… And forget about alcohol, this was almost poisonous to me and I felt very bad and angry after taking that…
I’m 27 years old, white man, does not smoke, nor take coffee. I’m exercising regularly and I think that I’m in an average shape. From where I’m from, it’s winter but not too cold. I’m specifying this because some people say that spring is a better time to do a
Liver Flush because the liver is kind of « awakening » then.
I have consulted my family doctor (excuse me if it’s not the right term for my doctor. I’m a French Canadian that does not speak English perfectly), but he only gave me an anti-inflammatory for my sinuses, but I’m sure that my sinuses are not the cause of my problem.
I’m also feeling pain on both shoulders, even though I practice body building and stretch regularly. I know it’s not stress causing this totally because it’s still there even when everything is fine and I’m having a great week-end with no care in the world. I have to moderate my body building because I have much less energy and I’m easily exhausted, sometimes even before I begin my training session. I also have blurry vision (feeling of always having sand in the eyes) and light acne. When I do a flush, I feel a little aggressiveness coming out in the 2-3 following days, then it calms itself. I also have skin rash that is annoying.
Would you have any advice to give me, particularly for my strong headaches?
I don’t know what to do and I’m getting frustrated of living with them. They have never really disappeared since 8 years ago. They started progressively in 1997 and I’ve never been the same since then.
Do you think that I may be living a temporary increase of symptoms because I’m detoxicating my body (I’ve read about the Herxheimer reaction)?
If that’s the case, is there a way to not feel that heavy head pain for so long?
I will keep on doing the
Liver Flushes unless someone suggests otherwise, in case a stone might be stuck and cause those headaches… I sure hope that this pain will finally go away.
If you have any questions that might help in giving me an advice, feel free to ask them to me.
I join a picture of some green stones that came out in my last flush. They range from ¼ centimeter to 1
cm in width. There were a couple of dozens of them today, and about the double of that in my 4th flush. My pictures are not very clear. If you want me to take some clearer pictures, I’ve put the stones in the freezer so I can try again to take a picture with a better zoom.
My headaches are stronger now then they were yesterday before my 4th flush. It’s almost unbearable…
Thank you,