Well, that would be a symptom of bromide detox. Why bromide detox manifests as headaches, I don't know... Coffee enemas help.
Here's a good old thread on salt-loading- magnesium chloride, anyone?
- Another excellent overview on iodine supplementation ~SALT LOAD!!!! R by wombat 4 year 858 Iodine Supplementati
I cut and pasted this portion in particular because magnesium chloride is suggested and ALSO because of this:
"Some patients require up to 2 years of Iodine therapy to bring post loading urine bromide levels below 10 mg/24 hr, if chloride load is not included in the bromine detoxification program."
Chloride competes with bromide at the renal level and increases the renal clearance of bromide[xii] thus magnesium chloride is ideal for magnesium supplementation. Some patients require up to 2 years of iodine therapy to bring post loading urine bromide levels below 10 mg/24 hr, if chloride load is not included in the bromine detoxification program. Rapid mobilization of bromine from storage sites with orthoiodosupplementation combined with increased renal clearance of bromide with a chloride load often causes side effects. Increasing fluid intake and adding a complete nutritional program minimizes these side effects.
Dr. Abraham noted that in some patients the excretion of lead, cadmium and mercury increased several fold after only one day of iodine supplementation and that increased aluminum excretion was noted about a month after beginning supplementation. Orthoiodosupplementation induces a detoxification reaction in some patients with high bromide levels. The symptoms include increased body odor and cloudy urine. The body odor lasts one to two weeks, but the cloudy urine may last several months before clearing up. Side effects can be minimized by increasing fluid intake. Increased fluid facilitates the excretion of excess iodine and the bromides, fluorides and heavy metals that the iodine displaces. Dr. Abraham also reported that the administration of magnesium in daily amounts up to 1200 mg eliminated the body odor but not the cloudy urine.
Released bromide from storage sites can induce decreased thyroid function, bromide being a potent goitrogen.
In the United States especially people will want to note that iodine also is protective and effective at eliminating perchlorate from the body. Perchlorate, the explosive ingredient in solid rocket fuel, has leaked from military bases and defense and aerospace contractors' plants in at least 22 states, is contaminating drinking water, dairy milk, produce and many other foods and plants affecting millions of Americans. In the past year, CDC scientists have found that a significant number of women are at risk of thyroid hormone depression from perchlorate exposure. Perchlorate impairs the thyroid’s ability to take up Iodide and produce hormones critical to proper fetal and infant brain development. Further, studies show that breast milk may have even more worrisome levels of perchlorate.
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wombat |
- M-Kay, I am going to go get some magnesium chloride ... by LNdolls 4 year 672
and I will report in about the differences between it and the potassium chloride I have been taking. I found that I needed to take magnesium while taking the pot chlor. This might eliminate that need.
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LNdolls |
- How much Magnesium Chloride to replace the 1/2 tsp Table Salt by StinkyJoe 4 year 554
Is this right: Normally, we would take 1/2 teaspoon of table salt with water to clear out the bromide, and we would also take 1200 mg of magnesium to prevent body odor. But since the table salt is only needed for the Chloride, we can simply use Magnesium Chloride.
How much Magnesium Chloride is needed to replace the 1/2 tsp table salt and the 1200 mg Magnesium?
FROM THE FAQ: http://www.breastcancerchoices.org/iprotocol Basically you take 1/4 - 1/2 tsp Sea Salt in 1/2 cup warm water followed immediately by another 12-16 oz of water. The chloride will push the bromide out via the kidneys in the urine. Result: No headache or brain fog :)
It increases bromide elimination up to 10-fold!
Make sure to use a good quality salt such as "Himalayan Crystal Salt" or "Redmonts Real Salt"
I do my first salt load early in the morning, first thing, even before my first iodine intake. It prevents headaches and/or brainfog alltogether.
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StinkyJoe |
- Re: Another excellent overview on iodine supplementation ~SALT LOAD!!!! by wombat 4 year 529
hey, Joe(or shall I call you "stinky"?:)...I don't know..... I take 400 mg magnesium(citrate) per day. I have yet to order some magnesium chloride. The io-docs recommend 3-600 mg magnesium...so...1200 mg? refresh my memory as to why that amount is recommended.
Also, personally, I salt load very rarely, haven't done it in months. And then for obvious manifestation of bromide detox(headache) I do take salt in my drinking water, though, daily...
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wombat |
- 3-600mg Magnesium or 1200mg? -- to stop body odor by StinkyJoe 4 year 656
My source for the 1200 mg Magnesium dosage was an excerpt on CureZone taken from this article by Guy E. Abraham, M.D. : http://www.vrp.com/articles.aspx?page=LIST&ProdID=1781&qid=&zTYPE=2
Here is a relevant quote:
"Orthoiodosupplementation induces a detoxification reaction in some patients with high bromide levels7,8, including increased body odor and cloudy urine. The body odor lasts one to two weeks, but the cloudy urine may last several months before clearing up. . . . Increased fluid intake and a complete nutritional program emphasizing magnesium instead of calcium minimize these side effects. Administration of magnesium in daily amounts up to 1200 mg eliminated the body odor but not the cloudy urine. Scrubbing the skin with a vegetable brush while bathing is recommended in those cases. . . . Since chloride increases renal clearance of bromide8, a trial of chloride load (6-10 gm per day) would decrease the time required for bromide detoxification. Use unprocessed sea salt instead of processed iodized table salt."
A site frequently cited in this forum recommends "300-600 mg magnesium oxide or comparable magnesium supplement." Here is the link to that reference:http://www.breastcancerchoices.org/iprotocol
P.S. feel free to call me Stinky -- or Joe. Either way.
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