Why don’t you try Fulvic and Humic acid? They have been known to relive
Depression by alkalizing the mind and body. Also, they are known best for their ion exchange. They remove toxins from the cells. The humic acids dilate the cells and the fulvic is the chelator, carrying the good minerals in and taking the bad ones out.
I use the fulvic acid from
and also their Humic acids, which I receive as an agricultural product. It just takes a very small amount,--TM7—but it really lasts.
But you can try this website
theirs is in proportion.
And here are the explanations if you need them:
These products are very nice and combined with the ALA, they create a very deep mercury pull. I have also recently come across a product called Immochelete, which is a specific Russian oak bark, not the type one can buy in a health food store. It seems to have a very heavy molecular weight, which will bind very strongly, and then carry the mercury out of the body, bypassing the kidneys and the liver. For me this is necessery since I have been working to heal Hep C. And so far this seems to be the strongest chelator to date.
Don’t be fooled by Cocoon nutrition, who advertises that they will send you the oak bark product and then ends up send you a humic product. This guy would not refund my money and the product was $60. I should report him, but I don’t want to do that.
1st he said this, when asked if the product was Oak Bark ‘Hi Mary, Mercury Magnet is now only a humic acid supplement.’
2nd he said this when asked if I could return the product
“Mary the Humic acid supplement is pulling out the heavy metals very effectively. I have reports from the US and Canada on its very positive life changing effects. The Oak Bark version was not discontinued by me, the Hungarian makers of this heavy metal detox product chose to work with the humic acid version as it produced outstanding results. Please read the entire article attached.
No you cannot returned an opened product. Besides you don't need to, it works.’
(I guess I cannot use the correct tense either hehehe)
3rd So I pursisted and he said this
‘The humic acid in this one has had it's naturally occurring heavy metal presence removed. Replace with zinc and potassium. The result is far, far, far stronger than any other humic acid product available. You are drawing conclusions too quickly. Take time to read the document I sent you. Otherwise you may be passing up the best product you've ever come across yet.’
And I did read it and it was an article for Oak Bark—ridiculous to argue with the hard headed! I am only putting this in full here because I want others to beware. I am not saying that this product does not work—but I have been using it and see no difference than taking my own cheaper humic acids. I’m just at deeper level of detox—near the end—and am hoping to get it all at this point and this guy just flat out lied on his website. Too bad because he sells a lot of very reputable products. I have used many of them .
Anyway, try the fulvic acids and see if it won’t regulate the mineral issues you are experiencing.
And make peace with your depression. Toxins are moving through your organs and out of your body. It took many years to build these up, and to hide them in the body. Your cells are connected to you emotions and memories, so each cell has a memory of the moment you let it enter you. But you have made the decision not to need them any more and are being proactive about getting them out.
You may be depressed during this process as you say goodbye to all of the excuses you have had for past behaviors. You are empowering yourself. Pat yourself on the back and love yourself for this! Dis-ease is a state of mind, if you want it to be-- and you have the power over it to control it, but you can’t always run from it. Own it, meet it, love it, and it will bless you. Your sadness is very beautiful—I can see it--- and someday you will have it to share with someone who needs to know that they are not alone as well. I guarantee you that very soon you will begin to feel better and you will know that you are free, because you took this time to love yourself.
May be that this sound corny, but it is the truth as I know it.