So these are the big players in
Candida Support Forum huh.. I guess myself included if I posted a little more like I used to.
Let's make a deal right now to say that if one of us gets better or cured, we don't ditch CZ like many and come back and let people know wtf they did to get better.
My take on the theory, I'm not exactly sure about the red form and white form. I have heard of fungal form and non budding yeast form. My theory at the moment which could also be wrong, is that you need to attack it on all sides, especially for long standing and chronic cases where normal bodily functions have been deteriorating for a long time. Many studies and medical testings and articles are not looked into in DETAIL. A lot of it is in vitro and yeah, it may show "x" inhibits fungal growth but it does not address the fungacidal aspect of it in an infected host. It's truly almost impossible to see the changes in a chronic illness because there are so many cascading effects to the body. But from my research and especially from the point of view of my doctor who works in environmental medicine with people with long standing issues (mold and pesticide poisoning, gastrointestinal issues, mercury, etc) there are common factors. Adrenal malfunction, immune dysregulation are the 2 most common systemic indicators.
Of course it depends on the specific strain or species, the drug, etc. as well. Yeast and fungus that is eradicated with a drug to the point where there is no more indicated through testing, means 1 thing. The amount left is "trivial". From here, especially if the red form or intracellular theory is true, than there is nothing else you can do but somehow get your immune system back up. And the term immune system is thrown around like its this tangible "thing" but in reality it is comprised of so many things. I mean, the production of antibodies to tag the foreign objects (like SIGA for example), and the ability to actually fight and get rid of stuff (Basically both detection and elimination), stomach acid and a creation of an inhospitable environment.
I always hear and analyze various yeast/fungus cure stories and try to see how SCIENTIFICALLY it is possible and sometimes there really is no explanation.
For example:
An acupuncturist i saw cured a women with yeast infections that she had for 10 years. She also had
Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome and other issues. He used herbal medicines and acupuncture. To me, immediately i saw this in a western medicine perspective and was immediately thinking "okay the herbs are probably antifungal stuff, and the acupuncture did something for her immune system" ,etc. but in reality and further checking it doesnt seem that way at all. The herbs are not necessarily fungacidal but the theory is that it gives enough nutrition and support to the host enough to get rid of the yeast. I'm not sure how it works but for this particular individual, it worked.
I was also watching home renovation and a family had a house that was infested with mold. Just damp walls shown through testing, mold growing everywhere and being cultured etc. And the way they get rid of the mold is they treat it with chemicals and "kill it" (not sure if its fungacidal or fungistatic) but either way it is to the point where mold is no longer detected. I can view some parallels in the human body (aka testing for yeast DNA presence after use of drugs). And the interesting aspect was how they addressed the chances of reoccurence. The house was built on a slope and water was drawing back and flowing back into the house instead of away, and being absorbed into the walls. This was the CAUSE of the mold problem. The mold (or ANY "LIVING" THING, bacteria, viruses,) do not grow until the environment is hospitable. It is opportunistic. Once it does, the idea seems to be always to kill it and then address the cause of why it was allowed to grow. In the human body it could be the various flora and terrain, the leaky gut (caused by heavy metal,
Antibiotics , alcohol, parasites, chronic indigestion and allergies) that all play a part in making the the terrain inhospitable for opportunistic organisms. The leaky gut i view analogous to "the slope" that the house was built on.
This is universal, the idea of being inhospitable and livable terrain applies to all living things. Even viruses (not sure if you can say they are living cellular organisms but still "living" nonetheless). Why is it that some people are able to live with a virus that goes into "remission" and essentially being cured such as what happens with a vaccine, and others have viral counts and active symptoms and replication? Or the other way around where people who so immunocompromised fall victim to a vaccine and it turns active. My dad was cured of hep A, B, and C which is not a very common story at all and has been healthy for the past 15 years since his diagnosis. Yet in others, this virus has decided SOMEHOW that it is hospitable and opportune to continually be active. Same with chicken pox, EBV, CMV, shingles, etc. At a point where it senses or "knows" the host is weak, it acts. Same goes for opportunistic parasites, bacteria, and of course YEAST and fungus.
It's a shame because once it becomes active, its exactly analogous to a small hole leaking water into the boat. It's easier to deal with if you seal it up when it first starts but the effects of it are harder to deal with and causes exponential and domino-effect like results as it starts to reduce the host at a very fast rate.
My theory is based on what I have seen, analyzed, research both scientifically and empirically.... if you already have an invasion of an organism that has decided it is opportune for it to be active, than it is very hard to fight it alone with an already depleted immune system. This is what I mean by attack it on all sides. Killing and destroying is a must (but not everything and not always as western medicine ONLY does the "seek and destroy" method, based on its roots in pasteur and germ theory). But simultaneously follow with healing the leaky gut, reestablishing flora and of course addressing the immune system. This, of course is way way easier said than done.
Currently I'm trying to address the immune system through direct moxa and acupuncture and I'm not exactly sure if its working but I guess time will tell. I understand that there may be potential for it to do something western medicine cannot, after all ive seen painmanagement, curing of diabetes type II, autoimmune situations, and illness that from even the alternative and functional medicine standpoint cannot explain. So who knows...worth a shot. That and constant monitoring/testing and treating active treat with pharmaceuticals, maybe it may works. Only God knows.
Just my take.