So I've been meaning to share this with the community for awhile now but I just haven't gotten around to it. So about a year ago had a bad case of jock itch and I was trying to get rid of it, by reading this forum and othersources I figured it would be a good idea to try to load up on vitamin C and b vitamins but every time I did I noticed that that my infection got worse. Once I stopped taking these things it tended to get better on its own and if I added them again they got worse again, it was like clockwork. Since stopping these things completely I've found that the infection was taken care of much more easily. So for everyone that is struggling with candida topically or internally and is taking these things do yourself a favor give it a week or two off and see what happens. I'm willing to bet your condition will become much more manageable and you with some antifungals you can eliminate it completely. I'm not saying that you should avoid these vitamins completely but just get them in normal amounts from food. I think the excess amounts in the blood stream causes the infection to bloom making things much much worse. I believe that I have a low grade candida infection internally because every time I take excess amounts of these nutrients I start to get joint pain and my
food intolerances come back but if I lay off for a few days everything goes back to normal.