and what is up with this ridiculous worship of the truth in medicine forum????
He is not worshipping my forum. He has merely found good, sound information there. I started The Truth in Medicine forum for a very good reason. There is so much quackery and misinformation in both allopathic and alternative medicines. And this was being spread at an alarming rate mainly by people who did not have a clue as to how the body worked or the so-called therapy, and were not mentioning potential dangers. So I started the forum to help people learn about how the body works, what therapies do and do not work and the dangers not being told. And this goes for both sides of medicine. I have been accused numerous times on here of being anti-alternative, which is as far from the truth that it can get. I have exposed so much quackery in allopathic medicine as well such as how cholesterol lowering drugs cause heart failure and osteoporosis drugs increase the risk of fractures. The forum provides a source of information on drugs and therapies not from a sales site where they are going to hype up the product and ignore the side effects. For example, when was the last time anyone here saw a progesterone cream sales site point out that the progesterone builds up in the body and has side effects including anger/irritability, acne, weight gain, increased risk of carious cancers, etc? I have yet to see even one progesterone sales site mention any of these and I have read a lot of these sites. So I am presenting other unbiased views for people and providing evidence to back these views for people to consider before jumping in to some potentially dangerous therapy without looking first.
I read in an RBTI book that if your urine is acidic that it is a sign that your body will be unable to utilize vitamin c and that megadosing c will make you even more acidic.
The acidity of the urine has nothing to do with the body's ability to utilize vitamin C, nor does it directly correlate to blood pH. I posted some detailed information on this for you earlier.
But I do agree that megadosing on vitamin C is a bad idea regardless if the person has adrenal dysfunction or not. The excess is broken down in to oxalic acid, which is not good for the body and it puts more stress on the body as the body has to work overtime to eliminate the excess.
I was megadosing on Lam's program for many months. I also read that red meat and cultured veggies are highly acidic... Could have somethin to do with that...
Acids are not necessarily our enemy. While red meat does provide some acids we do not want such as pro-inflammatory arachidonic acid, cultured vegetables provide beneficial acids (lactic, acetic and fatty acids) that help protect the body from pathogens and help with nutrient absorption. Read my post on the myth of chronic acidosis. And keep in mind that we cannot live or even exist in the first place without the numerous acids that make us up, create our energy and keep us detoxed and healthy.
Builders lime is highly caustic , DO NOT eat or drink it ; heed the warning on the back of the pack.
Totally true. Caustic lime is called caustic lime for a reason. Caustic lime is calcium oxide/hydroxide, which is very caustic to the tissues as are all hydroxides (OH). Magnesium hydroxide for example is used as a laxative because it burns the intestinal wall. Potassium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide are used as drain cleaners. All of these hydroxides will burn the tissues. The same applies to calcium hydroxide (lime), which is why there are warning labels on the bag to not contact the skin or eyes.
Another issue is that hydroxides will neutralize acids. This includes stomach acid. Stomach acid is EXTREMELY important, and neutralizing it is just asking for problems:
It has been argued that the caustic lime is being neutralized by the lemon juice. The problem is that unless you have a pH meter how are you going to know when th hydroxide is all neutralized? Not enough citric acid from the lemon juice and you still have a caustic hydroxide. Too much citric acid and you now have an acidic drink, which defeats the purpose if you are going for an alkaline drink. And all you are forming is calcium citrate, which is readily available without all the hassle.
A few other issues that have to be kept in mind is that this is a lot of calcium without balancing magnesium. Problem is that calcium is a muscle contractor, while magnesium is a muscle relaxant. Excess calcium without sufficient magnesium can lead to muscle cramping/spasms, high blood pressure, decreased circulation, migraines, increased risk of asthma attacks and constipation. For example, calcium channel blockers are used to treat some of these conditions by preventing calcium from entering the nerve synapses to keep the blood vessels relaxed. I give a detailed example here:
The other issue is with the black strap molasses, which is high in iron. Iron feeds and promotes many pathogens and cancers and increases oxidative damage. In excess it can lead to serious damage to the body, such as in seen in cases of hemochromotosis. Men and non-menstruating women are at the greatest risk of iron overload.
I've been getting worse since I moved home and decided to stop working with Dr Lam. I feel very confused and alone, even though I have all of you. I keep testing my urine ph and it is VERY acid. 5.2
This is a normal pH value. Normal for urine is 4.6 to 8.
Everyone who knows anything about ph seems to think this is very dangerous.
There are a lot of myths about pH including urine pH reflecting blood pH. Urine pH nor salivary pH reflect blood. These posts help explain this:
It burns when I pee.
You may have a urinary tract infection: