I am currently on a fast and during this time, I am trying to do a bit of reseach on what is the best for ingestion when you break a fast. I have heard many things from orange juice to eating grapes, cantaloupe even yogurt, but what I am trying to do is set up some type of post fast menu, so when I do end my fast, I have it already planned and ready for me.
I know that for every 5 days of a fast, I need one day of a specialize diet to re introduce solid food into my diet and re-start my digestive system.
I have planned so far to juice a bit, then maybe move toward a pureed/blended/baby food-like drink, then go to solids.
I just can't remember what the best solid fruits and veggies are the best. So I was looking for a bit of advice as a refresher, as I have forgotten, even though I am not new to long term fasting.