I've been on the candida diet on for 4 weeks now. No sugar, wheat, carbs. Here's my typical diet:
**BREAKFAST** bowl of oat bran with coconut milk and a handful of linseed/flaxseed
bowl of natural yogurt with cinnamon
**LUNCH/DINNER** steak or fish stir-fried w/ red and green capsicum (peppers) seasoned with chilli, minced garlic, and brown onion
tuna w/ a side of lettuce
sliced chicken or sliced ham w/ avocado spread on top
oven-baked fish seasoned with garlic or ginger
hard-boiled eggs with chilli powder sprinkled on top
egg salad with lettuce and olive oil
scrambled eggs w/ salt and pepper w/ a side of cooked spinach
**DRINKS** 6 - 8 glasses water per day (minimum of 6, but can drink 8 in the height of summer)
warm water with a dash of lemon juice
apple cider vinegar drink
**SUPPS** fish oil, cod liver oil, pau d'arco, garlic, olive leaf extract
Any suggestions? Or is this diet ok?
How long until your white tongue went away? Mine is there every morning. I know it is coming up from my stomach. My doctor prescribed Nilstat lozenges (they taste like orange and are sucked 3 times per day) and they did work but the thrush is still there on my tongue. It's very depressing for me because I feel like I always have bad breath and a grey tongue.