I did not know that was an option? However, I have type II diabetes and I was trying to take Dandelion Root as a diuretic to expel the water. One of the web pages I referenced stated that one cannot take Diabetic medication with Dandelion Root.
I did not know that was an option? However, I have type II diabetes and I was trying to take Dandelion Root as a diuretic to expel the water. One of the web pages I referenced stated that one couldn’t take diabetic medication with Dandelion Root.
What other drugs will affect dandelion ()
Do not take dandelion without first talking to your doctor if you take
* a medicine to treat diabetes or to control blood sugar levels such as insulin,
glipizide (Glucotrol), glyburide (Micronase, Glynase, Diabeta),
tolbutamide (Orinase), metformin (Glucophage)...
I thought I must have something to eat if I am going to use an herb that uses Potassium to counteract Sodium's water retention in the Oedema. The label for Dandelion Root doesn't say anything about Potassium? I been trying to keep my blood sugar level below 180 by eating light and mostly potassium high foods so starting a 36 hour fast would not be difficult.
However, the cause and cure of the Oedema is my main concern. My bladder was first CAT scan in 2008 and the Urologist wanted to do a biopsy and shave the bladder. However, I could not afford the insurance, due to the economy, to cover the operation as in the initial exam I was under severe pain. The urologist wanted to put me under anesthesia in a hospital operating room and insurance was a requirement as I was being referred by the City Health Center. This however was a blessing in disguise.
I did not regard the 1 centimeter cyst as cancerous, small bleeding and other discomforts continued for two years which I did not take serious until I saw a my urine turn dark as if I was on a long fast. Hemastix blood strips at home revealed a large amount of blood in July 2010 whereas I immediately brought it to the GP Health Centers attention. He ordered another CAT scan and a week later that scan of the cyst had doubled in size and it was also on the outside of the bladder wall. Oncologist required a biopsy from my Urologist before making an appointment, and the urologist would only see one patient per month from the health center so I made an appointment for September.
Now alarm bells started ringing in my head. I researched biopsies and standard cancer therapies and they are the kiss of death. The medical science does not exist to keep all the cancer cells from spreading all over your body in a biopsy. I had been playing with fasting since 1999 and with cancer at risk all the past experiences and research to understand the physical and psychological discomforts paid off. I also during July found three other cancer cures other than fasting, It-101 Chemo, SonoDynamic Therapy, and especially IP-6 which I ordered just in case (Cell Forte With Ip-6 & Inositol), and understood more of dehydration symptoms especially in the heat of summer.
Before and after the tenth day when autolysis started I experienced a lack of urine despite 2 quarts per day. I attributed it to the heat and perspiration, but it felt like something was slowly moving down inside my hip as it was turning hard and down my leg. Frequent self testing for blood using Hemastix showed small, moderate, and large amounts even after I started post-fast conditioning with juices. I have to wonder if that neoplasm turned into a hole in my bladder and fluid leaked out between the 10th and 28th days.
I decided to stop the fast when I saw diminished bladder cancer symptoms, except urine blood readings, and 1/2-pound loss per day instead of the 1 and 1/2 pound loss per day. I wanted to lose another 45 pounds and at that rate it would take 90 days. I decided to start the fast again after the Labor Day holiday, when it will be cooler, and try exercise in the meantime to keep the weight off. I could lose more weight in less time by starting again before the weather turned cold before the end of the fall.
When I messed up my required 5 day post-fast juice to 4 days and dived into high sodium foods like a hoagies, pizza, wonton soup, eggs, bacon, and slowly fried potatoes, onions, steakum, Italian lunchmeats, and Italian seeded rolls, I wasn’t even hungry, It was all psychological. I knew what would come, gastrointestinal shock.
Too much sodium that my kidneys and liver were unprepared to digest meant that I had to counteract the sodium with potassium. So for 3 days, I was in agony as I tried to digest as many fruits and juices to repent.
However, I also noticed my socks and sneakers were a lot tighter. That is when I learned of Oedema. So the question remains did the Oedema originate from a leak in my bladder or my sin of "Thou Shall Not Break Thy Post-Fast Covenant or both.
But when I found conflicting info on Dandelion and Dandelion Root as to which is a diuretic, all I could do is consume more water and potassium rich foods and not risk taking more of the wrong herb without risk.